Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Leslie Esdaile Banks-In Memory

Today we mourn the passing of L A Banks (Leslie Esdaile Banks) an awesome paranormal and urban fantasy author. For the last several months Leslie had been fighting a losing battle with cancer.
Though I did not know her, all readers feel a personal kinship with those whose books entertain us, keeping us up long after we should have gone to bed at night, making us gash our teeth at the long wait for that next novel, and making us laugh out loud at the heroine's snarky remarks while wishing we could come up with the countless come backs that they rain down on people's heads. Below are just a few of her books that I've read and loved (thanks to fantasticfiction.com). If you've missed any or have never read her awesome books, now would be a great time to show her family how much she will be missed.

Vampire Huntress Legend
1. Minion (2003)
2. The Awakening (2004)
3. The Hunted (2004)
4. The Bitten (2005)
5. The Forbidden (2005)
6. The Damned (2006)
7. The Forsaken (2006)
8. The Wicked (2007)
9. The Cursed (2007)
10. The Darkness (2008)
11. The Shadows (2008)
12. The Thirteenth (2009)
Dawn and Darkness (2009)


  1. R.I.P. Another great writer left us. Jennifer Rardin died this year as well...

  2. Thats so sad.. ive read almost all her books.

  3. I was sorry to hear that she died.



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