Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cidney Swanson: Snape is My New Crush

Cidney Swanson: Snape is My New Crush: "Snape is my new crush. There. I said it out loud. Well, I put it in writing anyway. Like many readers, I feel an intense connection to Sever..."


  1. I've got to admit, even though I'd read the books, I also found myself wiping tears at the end of this fabulous movie. It's an end of an era as my daughter was in elementary school when the HP books first came out. Each new book and movie has been an excuse to get together and talk books and argue which was the best and how well or poorly the movie depicted the books. Yes, it's a sad time.

  2. It sounds interesting to me.


  3. Thanks for posting the link, Lisa! It really does feel like the end of an era, doesn't it? *sighs*


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