Friday, April 1, 2011


WooHoo! at least 50 new followers so that means at least 2 $ 10 Gift Certificates from Amazon or Book Depository!

The Fool For Books Giveaway Hop is hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and The Bookish Snob and is scheduled from 12:01 AM April 1st until 11:59 PM April 2nd.
  Winners will be chosen by
Contest will be open International.  I will be giving away a $10 Amazon Gift card if the winner is from the US. If Canada or International, I'll let you chose a book up to $10 and as long as The Book Depository ship free to you, you can enter. If not sure,  check here I love to win Gift Cards and these are the simplest and the best as far as I'm concerned.
If I get 50 more followers, I'll give away two $10 Gift cards. Hope you'll take the time to look around, make a comment or two and offer any suggestions. 
I am number 84 and Kellys Lucky You is in front of me and A Cozy Readers Corner  is behind me. Click here for the full list of participating bloggers on the hop. This is a great way to meet more bloggers, win books, gift cards and more!!

Giveaway Details per the Grandbunnies!
Giveaway Details:

To enter giveaway please follow this blog on Goggle Friend Connect and then fill out the form here.

Last Day to Enter is April 2nd at midnight!

Optional Extra Entries:

+1 or more (up to 5)


  1. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  2. Wonderful Giveaway!
    GFC Follower = Bookadicea

    clarissa.bulatao at

  3. thanks for giveaway!


  4. Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity<3

  5. thanks for the giveaway, I am a new follower and look forward to ur blog.



This blog is now officially declared an Award Free zone! I do appreciate your kindness in thinking of me and I am humbled by your generosity. Your comments are award enough for me. Comment away!
Sorry, but because of those nasty spammers I no longer allow Anonymous Users. AU if have comments come out of the dark and stand up and say it instead of hiding behind AU.