Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jennifer Estep April 2011 Newsletter

Greet­ings and salu­ta­tions! Here’s what I’ve been up to lately:
1 Tan­gled Threads: The fourth Ele­men­tal Assas­sin book, Tan­gled Threads, will be pub­lished on April 26(less than a month now!), and you can read the first chap­ter here. The book is up for pre-order at Ama­zonand Barnes & Noble.

Like Spider’s Bite, Web of Lies, and Venom, Tan­gled Threads focuses on Gin Blanco, an assas­sin code­named the Spi­der who can con­trol the ele­ments of Ice and Stone. When she’s not busy killing peo­ple and right­ing wrongs, Gin runs a bar­be­cue restau­rant called the Pork Pit in the fic­tional South­ern metrop­o­lis of Ash­land. The city is also home to giants, dwarves, vam­pires, and ele­men­tals – Air, Fire, Ice, and Stone.
In Tan­gled Threads, Mab Mon­roe hires a deadly assas­sin named Elek­tra LaFleur to kill Gin, aka the Spi­der. But when a lit­tle girl is kid­napped, Gin under­takes her most dan­ger­ous mis­sion yet — res­cue the girl and keep LaFleur from killing them both …
Mythos Acad­emy young adult urban fan­tasy series: I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve sold a young adult series. Huz­zah! It’s called the Mythos Acad­emy series, and it focuses on Gwen Frost, a 17-year-old Gypsy girl with the gift of psy­chom­e­try magic, or the abil­ity to know an object’s his­tory just by touch­ing it. After a seri­ous freak-out with her magic, Gwen is shipped off to Mythos Acad­emy, a school for the descen­dants of ancient war­riors like Spar­tans, Valkyries, Ama­zons, and more.
The first book, Touch of Frost, will be out on July 26. Click here to read the first two chap­ters. Kiss of Frost, the sec­ond book in the series, will be out on Nov. 29. Also, First Frost, a pre­quel e-short story to the series, will be released in July. Learn more about the series on theMythos Acad­emy page on my website.
Touch of Frost is up for pre-order at Ama­zon and Barnes & Noble, while Kiss of Frostis up for pre-order at Ama­zon.
Free Ele­men­tal Assas­sin short sto­ries online: I’ve writ­ten sev­eral free short sto­ries to go along with the Ele­men­tal Assas­sin books. All the sto­ries I’ve writ­ten so far are avail­able on the Excerpts page of my website.

Spider’s Bite, Web of Lies, and Venom released: The first three books in my Ele­men­tal Assas­sin urban fan­tasy series — Spider’s Bite, Web of Lies, and Venom — are still avail­able. You can get the books at Ama­zon, Barnes & Noble, and all the other usual book outlets.
Thanks to read­ers: I just want to thank all the folks who’ve e-mailed me to say how much they’ve enjoyed the books in the Ele­men­tal Assas­sin series. I really appre­ci­ate it, and I hope that every­one likes Tan­gled Threads even more.

I now have book­marks avail­able for Spider’s Bite, Web of Lies, Venom, and Tan­gled Threads, as well as some left for Jinx. As always, these are free to read­ers; how­ever, I do ask that folks send me a self-addressed stamped enve­lope with two stamps on it in order to receive the book­marks and help me cover postage costs. To learn how to get the book­marks, e-mail me.
Con­grats to Les­ley Cam­blin and to Amanda Portelli, who both won a free auto­graphed copy of Jinx. Win­ners, please e-mail me your snail mail addresses so I can send your prizes to you.
All you have to do to be entered in the monthly con­test is sub­scribe to the newslet­ter. So tell your friends … or not.
I’ll be attend­ing some book con­fer­ences in 2011 to pro­mote my Ele­men­tal Assas­sin series. I’ll keep you posted on what’s com­ing up.
I do tons of guest blogs dur­ing the year, and I’ll be doing more guest blogs in 2011 for Tan­gled Threads and my other releases. I’m happy to do guest blogs any time of year as my sched­ule allows. If you’d like me to appear on your site, send me an e-mail
Dark Jenny by Alex Bled­soe: Self-proclaimed sword jockey (think pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tor) Eddie LaCrosse is back for another adven­ture. This series is a great mix of fan­tasy and noir. If you always wanted Sam Spade to carry a sword, these books are for you.
A Lot Like Love by Julie James: James has penned another smart, sexy, con­tem­po­rary romance. This book focuses on Jor­dan Rhodes, a wine seller who will do any­thing to get her brother out of prison — even work with hunky FBI agent Nick McCall to help take down a seri­ously bad guy.
Got a good book to share? Send me an e-mail. I’m always on the look­out for new authors to try, and I’ll share rec­om­men­da­tions in a future newsletter.
I’ve shared this recipe before, but with sum­mer and all that great fresh fruit com­ing up, I thought I’d men­tion it again. This is so quick and easy and so good. Enjoy!
Chelsea’s Cheese­cake Dip
1 (8-ounce) pack­age cream cheese, softened
2 table­spoons sugar
2 tea­spoons lemon juice
1 (8-ounce) con­tainer whipped topping
Fresh berries, fruit, gra­ham crack­ers or cook­ies
In a large mix­ing bowl, beat the cream cheese, sugar, and lemon juice with an elec­tric mixer until com­bined. Add in the whipped top­ping, and stir until fluffy (be sure not to over­mix it). Gar­nish with berries and grated lemon peel, if desired. Serve with fresh fruit, gra­ham crack­ers, or cookies.
2 Love the newslet­ter? Hate it? Send me an e-mail and let me know. Until next time, be sure to check out my blog and fol­low me on Face­book for the lat­est updates and more. You can also join the Jen­nifer Estep fan page over at Face­book, fol­low me on Twit­ter, or keep up with my book reviews on Goodreads.
Happy read­ing!
Jen­nifer Estep
Pocket Books
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020


  1. Thanks for stopping by The Wormhole! I love your sliding buttons - care to share how you got them? - - thanks!
    Happy reading.

  2. Never read Jennifer Estep's book before, but I'm looking forward to read it ^_^
    And the recipe that she put, it can't be missed. Will give it a try when I have time :D

  3. That cheescake dip sound delicious! I'm printing it out. Thanks!

  4. How did Jennifer Estep's series get so long? I really need to start it,,,


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