Thursday, March 17, 2011


The Lucky Leprechaun Hop is scheduled from 12:01 AM March 17th
 until 11:59 PM March 20th.
Winners will be chosen by

Contest will be open to US and Canada.  I will be giving away a $10 Amazon Gift card. I love to win Gift Cards and these are the simplest and the best as far as I'm concerned. 
For every 50 new followers, I'll give away another $10 Gift cards. Hope you'll take the time to look around, make a comment or two and offer any suggestions. 
Giveaway Details:

To enter giveaway please follow this blog on Goggle Friend Connect, comment on one non-giveaway post and then fill out the form here.

Last Day to Enter is March 20th 11:59 PM EST

Optional Extra Entries:

+1 or more (up to +5)

Comment on ANY non-Giveaway post.

I am number 92 and My Reading Room  is in front of me andThe British are Coming, Yall is behind me. Click here for the full list of participating bloggers on the hop, over 250 blogs participating. This is a great way to meet more bloggers, win books, gift cards and more!!


  1. I loved your rant about Amazon! Yes, I have the same problem. Thanks for sharing the review on Shimmer, I have the first in the series but I haven't read it yet.
    I went and bought Wilder's Mate, LOL! The synopsis was just to enticing. I can tell I'll be a frequent flyer here!

    I'm an old follower GFC thebookfaery/Kristi



This blog is now officially declared an Award Free zone! I do appreciate your kindness in thinking of me and I am humbled by your generosity. Your comments are award enough for me. Comment away!
Sorry, but because of those nasty spammers I no longer allow Anonymous Users. AU if have comments come out of the dark and stand up and say it instead of hiding behind AU.