Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Raven’s Recession Gift Card Giveaway!

New Releases from Raven Books

We at Raven's Books know times are tight. We’re feeling the pinch too. We also know that the first things to be cut from most household budgets are the luxuries like book buying. Often we have contests that features free downloads or paperbacks (yes, we’re including those in this too) but we thought it would be nice to do more—to help ease the pinch as best we could. Our solution, a massive gift card giveaway contest. We’re giving away thousands of dollars worth of these people over the next few months! This will run through June 2011 (unless it’s a huge hit then of course we’ll extend it).

How does it work?
What are you entering to win?
How often are we selecting winners?
How do I enter?

To find out the answers to these and to enter this 
fabulous contest check it out here

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