Monday, January 17, 2011

A Cup of Coffee with Reggie (2) - Paranormal vs. Contemporary

A Cup of Coffee with Reggie is going to be a discussion post feature in which Reggie discusses anything book-related. They're just normal (sometimes random) discussion posts that are named A Cup of Coffee with Reggie because it's like having a cup of coffee with her and listening (or in this case reading) her bookish opinions. It will be a random feature here at TUBL that can pop up anywhere from twice a day to twice a year. Her question today got me thinking and here was my reply to her question-

Young Adult Genres: Paranormal vs. Contemporary; what is better?

Definitely the paranormal and for exactly the same reasons you prefer contemporary--cause you can't relate, not completely to what they are going through. Who wants to be faced with the problems and worries that someone suffers in print if you already face them every day? Reading is suppose to be a release, an escape from what's bothering you. It's suppose to be your Calgon moments multiplied.

What are your thoughts on this? Be sure and stop by Reggie's at The Under Cover Book Lover and let her know what you think.


  1. Great reason for choosing Paranormal. I never thought of "not being able to relate" being a reason for wanted to read a book, but it makes sense now.

  2. I prefer contemporary. I think I choose it because I can relate to it. I just can't really get into paranormal. That's a good thing for the authors huh... A little something for everyone!


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