Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January News from Berkley Prime Crime & Obsidian Mysteries & Snow-day Giveaway!


I don’t think there’s anything  better than curling up on the couch with a good mystery or crime drama when it’s cold outside. I’ll grab me a fuzzy blanket, a pillow and curl up on the end of the couch closest to the woodstove and camp out for hours on a good snowy day (or heck any other time I can). As they are calling for snow in the morning, I’m sitting here planning my day tomorrow and laying out a few possibilities. It dawned on me that NOW would be an excellent time to do a giveaway. There’s several off THIS list that I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on.
Which one would you choose if you had the chance?
What do you like to do on a cold snowy day?
Tell me and I'll send someone a $10 GC from Amazon or if you are international, I’ll order a book your pick from Book Depository up to $10 and have it shipped to you.( just be sure your country is on their list, you can check here ).
Every time I get 50 more followers, I’ll add another $10 GC.(Maxing out at $50.00) That’s a possible 5 winners! You could win up to 5 times! Wow!

Must be 13 years or older.
The contest is open to ALL and runs till 12PM EST on 1/31/11.
Winners will be chosen with the aid of  Random.org
Be sure and include your email on all extra entries on comments so I can give you credit for them.


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January News from Berkley Prime Crime And Obsidian Mysteries

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When M.J. Holliday and the crew of her cable TV show, Ghoul Getters, venture to the haunted ruins of Dunlow Castle in Ireland, drawn by the legend of hidden treasure, they hope the road will rise up to meet them, that the wind will always be at their backs—and that the resident phantom won’t push them off a cliff. If they treasure their lives, M.J. and her ghost busters need to get the drop on the menacing phantom...

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Unconscious for fourteen months after a debilitating accident, Maddy Grant awakens at the Braintree Institute, where scientists have successfully implanted her with a radical technology designed to correct her brain injury. But Maddy is more than cured. Her intellect has been enhanced to process information faster than a computer—an ability that’s sending her emotions into overdrive.
To monitor her condition, the institute sends Maddy to the nearby village of Harmony, where she will be free to interact with the community. But Braintree’s scientists are not only monitoring her behavior, they’re modifying it, reprogramming her personality to become someone else.
A killer.

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Even a robot dog can sniff out trouble...
USAF Lieutenant Samantha Spade is in the heat of the west Texas desert testing a dog-like robot for military use, when the device leads her and her team to a pick-up truck. The driver comes at them with a gun—and is shot in self-defense by Sam’s friend. And then a gruesome discovery is made: three human heads in a cooler in the back of the truck.
Because the dead man was on the FBI’s most wanted list, Sam stands to get a hefty reward. Too bad the technology to keep her shady ex-husband from sniffing out cash has yet to be invented. His appearance, along with frightening issues from her boyfriend’s past, make it hard to tell just who is responsible for the pipe-wielding thug who attacks her. All Sam knows is that her luck has taken a doggone turn for the worse...

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Jason Kolarich is a Chicago attorney with a lineman’s build, a razor-sharp intellect—and the grief of a tragic personal loss. When an estranged childhood friend is charged with murder, Kolarich must create a solid defense—even while doubting his client’s innocence. But it soon becomes clear that Kolarich will have to uncover long-forgotten events from their shared childhoods to save his friend—and bring a relentless killer to justice before he strikes again.

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When Sir Archibald Latham of the War Office dies from a heart attack while visiting her brothel, Madam India Black is unexpectedly thrust into a deadly game between Russian and British agents who are seeking the military secrets Latham carried.
Blackmailed into recovering the missing documents by the British spy known as French, India finds herself dodging Russian agents—and the attraction she starts to feel for the handsome conspirator.

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As the newest witch in Indiana, Maggie O’Neill already has plenty to deal with. So being hobbled by a broken leg doesn’t help. Neither does the fact that her best friend and upstairs neighbor is getting ready to tie the knot with her own boyfriend and move away. This leads Maggie to wonder if it isn’t time to find herself a new pad.
But when she finds a place, Maggie’s dream of new digs turns into a nightmare: the apartment manager is found dead before she can even sign the lease. And Maggie finds herself not only searching for a new home—but for a frightfully clever killer.

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Maggie O’Neill—Stony Mill, Indiana’s newest witch—is dealing with both her burgeoning love life and her sister’s giving birth to twins when she learns that a local teenager has been found dead. Later, at the hospital, she hears a whispered conversation that sends chills down her spine. Could the conversation be related to the teen’s death? Or to a murder that hasn’t happened yet? It may take all her witchy intuition to find out.

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With a new First Family, White House executive chef Olivia Paras can’t afford to make any mistakes. But when a box of take-out chicken mysteriously shows up for the First Kids, she soon finds herself in a “no-wing” situation. After Olivia refuses to serve the chicken, the First Lady gives her the cold shoulder. But when it turns out to be poisoned poultry, Olivia realizes the kids are true targets.

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Melanie Cooper and Angie DeLaura’s Fairy Tale Cupcakes bakery is gearing up for Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately someone has iced Baxter Malloy on his first date with Mel’s mother. Now Mom’s a suspect, and Mel and Angie need to find time around frosting to dig into the man’s shady past and discover who served him his just desserts.

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When Avery and Derek take on the renovation of a decrepit 1783 center-chimney Colonial house on a remote island off the coast of Maine, they soon get more than they bargained for.
A grumpy thriller-writing neighbor, a mysterious animal that lives under the porch, and the dead body of a young woman floating in the ocean between Rowanberry Island and Waterfield Harbor conspire to make this the most thrilling and dangerous renovation Avery has ever undertaken.

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When the body of a woman is found in a shallow stream, aspiring investigative journalist Vicky Hill suspects there’s a connection between the murder and the string of recent silver thefts plaguing the small town of Gipping-on-Plym. And since both her boss and the local police refuse to investigate, Vicky takes on the case by herself—and she’s determined to uncover the answers and clinch her fourth national exclusive!

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I love a martini,
But two at the most.
Three, I’m under the table,
Four, I’m under the host.
—Dorothy Parker
On this particular morning, legendary wit Dorothy Parker is not the one under Manhattan’s famed Algonquin Round Table. Someone else is—and he’s not dead drunk, just dead.
When a charming aspiring writer from Mississippi named Billy Faulkner becomes a suspect in the murder, Dorothy decides to dabble in a little detective work, enlisting the help of tablemates Robert Benchley, Alexander Woollcott, Robert E. Sherwood, and other famous and fabulous literary cohorts.
With a marvelous Manhattan mystery on their hands, it’s up to the Algonquins to outwit the true culprit—preferably before cocktail hour—and before the clever killer turns the tables on them...

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Once a hard-case gangbanger, famous philanthropist Father Santiago is being pressured to aid his former gang or have his crimes exposed. He can’t go to the cops, but he can go to his old friend—burned covert operative Michael Westen.

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Psychologist Maggie Walsh matches wits with a phony psychic who blows into town and starts holding seances. Does Madame Chantel really have the power to talk to the dead? Two beloved old ladies attend one of her “ghostly chats” and wind up murdered. Meanwhile, Cypress Grove is gearing up for a celebration; the mayor is about to unearth a time capsule dating back fifty years and WYME is promoting the event. Maggie wonders if the contents of the time capsule could somehow be connected with the mysterious murders? People are dying to know what’s inside the capsule. Yes, literally dying! Stay tuned...

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Monk’s out on the open highway—but crime is a hitchhiker that won’t be ignored.
With his job secure and his wife’s murder finally solved, Adrian Monk is feeling strangely...satisfied. He’d like his agoraphobic brother Ambrose to feel the same way, so Monk puts a secret ingredient in Ambrose’s birthday cake: sleeping pills. When Ambrose wakes up, he’s in a motorhome on the open road with Monk determined to show him the outside world.
But Ambrose isn’t the only one struggling to let go. As little crimes pop up along the highway, Monk can’t resist getting involved. Now it’s up to Monk to stop a murderer from turning their road trip into a highway to hell.

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As Chaitén sleeps...
Two microbiologists monitor the effects of global warming in the shadow of the long-dormant volcano.
A celebrity scientist and his film crew arrive at the caldera to capture Chaitén’s spectacular scenery for a television audience.
And a Nobel Prize-winning scientist sits in his apartment in Paris, monitoring data on fifty-six volcanoes around the world—waiting for the one sign that his diabolical plan is about to be put into motion.
Soon, their destinies will converge. For the Earth has become a pawn in the biggest gamble ever played with humanity’s future...
And Chaitén is about to blow.

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The new page-turning Stone Barrington novel from the perennially entertaining New York Times bestselling author.
Stone Barrington is enjoying his usual dinner at Elaine’s when his boss at Woodman & Weld, the law firm where Stone is “of counsel,” walks in, sits down, and hands Stone a check for one million dollars. It seems Stone’s undercover dealings with MI6 have brought in a big new client for the firm, and they’re willing to pay Stone a huge bonus and make him a partner.
But almost as soon as he’s taken the deal, Stone gets wind of an impending scandal that might torpedo his big promotion: It may be that the lucrative new client whom he’s introduced to the firm might be a Bernie Madoff in disguise...


  1. Ghouls, Ghouls, Ghouls sounds pretty interesting. On a cold snowy day I like to curl up in bed with a good book and a cup of hot tea.
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  2. old follower #1
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  3. old follower #2
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  4. Mad Skills sounds like a very interesting book.
    On a cold snowy day I like to stay home with a nice book and watch the snow through the window.


  5. New follower


  6. Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/26154504072204289


  7. New follower

  8. Ghouls, Ghouls, Ghouls sounds like a fun read.

    On a cold snowy day which we don't get often I like to snuggle up in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and read a good book.

  9. India Black sounds like an interesting read.

    On a snowy day, which we get alot of here, I like to work on my blog or catch up on my reading.

    hopester777 at gmail dot com

  10. I've only had about 3 snowy days ever, so I like to go outside and play in the snow!

    +1 I'm a new follower (pepsivanilla14)


  11. On snowy days, I like to curl up with a good book and my nice warm dog next to me.

    So many of those books look like great reads...


  12. I am a new GFC follower: geekdgirl

  13. The Hidden Man by David Ellis sounds interesting! On a cold snowy day I like to curl up in my duvet reading a book.

    Aik @ The Bookaholics
    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  14. I am new follower

    aleetha.ally at gmail dot com

  15. I am a new follower GFC (Jennifer)

    jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com

  16. I really like the cover for Mad Skills. Never heard of this book before. But it sounds interesting.

    jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com

  17. I have no idea what that Burn Notice book is. But I've been watching the tv series (we just started season 2 in Canada) and the book looks very interesting!

    jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com

  18. What I like to do on a snowy day?

    I do like to go sledding.

    But I also like to curl up with a good book!

    jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com

  19. I have not heard of most of the books listed here. A Witch in Time sounds interesting. I like paranormal books!

    jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com

  20. I have no idea if Buttercream Bump Off is any good. But the picture on the cover is making me want cupcakes!

    jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com

  21. I am a new GFC follower


  22. I tweetd at: http://twitter.com/#!/SweetNSensible



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