Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Author Faith Hunter Guest Blog and $50.00 Amazon GC Contest LIVE at BittenByBooks!

Come join me and other readers at BittenByBooks today to meet and greet Faith Hunter.
Chinese Portraits have been around for years, but they are a Q&A interview unlike any other. Instead of the usual, “Tell us how you got started writing,” type of query, the questions in a Chinese Portrait dig deeper, into the psyche of a person (or a character) and reveal the hidden depths. Or, God forbid, the lack of them! So, in celebration of the release of Mercy Blade, the third Jane Yellowrock novel, by Faith Hunter, come read a  Chinese Portrait of Jane, and her inner Beast.

Jane, a shapeshifting vampire-hunter-for-hire, crosses paths with a stranger who has arrived in New Orleans, enlisted to hunt vampires who have gone insane-or so he says...

CONTEST INFO: Open to Readers WORLDWIDE. The contest portion of the event runs until 11:59 pm Central on 1/12.

Prize: A $50.00 Electronic Amazon Gift Card
Books in the Jane Yellowrock series in the order they should be read:

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