Wednesday, August 25, 2010


As you have gathered, this is probably NOW the most anticipated new show on MY horizon. I thought I would pass on a few of the pics and the info I uncovered after spending way to much time looking for anything I could find on this show.

Plot synopsis

The Walking Dead is centered on Rick Grimes, a small-town police officer from Cynthiana, Kentucky, his family, and a number of other survivors who have banded together in order to survive after the world is overrun with zombies. As the series progresses, the characters become more developed, and their personalities shift under the stress of a zombie apocalypse, most notably Rick's.
In the beginning of the series, Rick and partner Shane are in a firefight and Rick is shot and enters a coma. Upon waking in a hospital, he discovers the undead are in the building and town. Rick returns home and shortly decides to go to Atlanta, where the survivors were told to await help, to find his wife Lori and son Carl. He discovers the city is crowded with zombies and bumps into Glenn, a scavenger for a band of survivors. Following Glenn, Rick discovers Lori and Carl are okay along with Shane, who is less than happy that his former partner has returned. He also meets new survivors.
The group search for a place to call home, settling in several temporary camps, including a prison, which comes to the attention of an insane man calling himself the Governor. The Governor runs his local city, Woodbury, Georgia, like a dictator and tortures Rick and other members of his group, culminating in an assault. After the prison is made unsecure by an attack, Rick and the surviving members, after leaving with others to Washington D.C for a chance to cure the infection, encounter cannibals and a township that is enclosed and safe, but holds a secret.

The zombies

It is unclear how long a person must have been deceased before they are reanimated: Tyreese's daughter "comes back" within a few minutes after death, but Shane's body does not reawaken until after having been buried. Zombie body fluids getting on a human will not infect them.
The zombies crave flesh, for the most part. Some, dubbed "roamers", chase prey and noises. Many "roamers" will follow a group that is walking, creating packs and herds of hundreds of zombies. They do not tire, and a bite can lead to death if the infected body part is not cut away and cleaned immediately. "Lurker" zombies await prey to come close to them, making noise only if they are agitated.
The only way to kill zombies is by destroying the brain, though some characters prefer decapitation, which leads to the heads still trying to bite. Zombies do not notice humans who smell like zombies, such as when a survivor rubs "zombie grime" on their body or stays in the vicinity of severely disabled zombies. Also, a zombie who is around a human for long enough will become acclimated to them and generally stop attacking. In Woodbury, the "Governor" kept his zombie daughter in his house long enough that she generally stopped attacking him. The character Michonne also travelled for an extended time by herself and was safe because she had tied the zombies of her boyfriend and friend to her (after removing their arms and jaws so they could not attack her).
(all this info came from Wiki)

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