Friday, August 27, 2010


Book Beginnings on Friday is a meme hosted by Becky at Page Turners. Anyone can participate; just share the opening sentence of your current read, making sure that you include the title and author so others know what you're reading.  Click here to see what Becky is reading. If you like, share with everyone why you do, or do not, like the sentence. (Thanks to Rose City Reader for inspiring this meme)
Title: Mad Men and Philosophy:Nothing Is as It Seems
Author: Rod Carveth

Take off your shoes. Shut the door. Have a seat. Kick back in your Eames chair. Admire that Rothko print. Pour your favorite drink. (as per the show the next sentence should be --Light one.)
(If you don't know what an Eames chair or a Rothko print is, click on them and see. I did and I'm pretty sure that I'm getting  a Rothko poster to hang in MY new office, though the chair probably not. At that price, I should be able to drive it not rest my butt  in it)

As a lover of Mad Men,one of the best shows on TV, and not just summer shows, I can honestly say , it would not have mattered one bit what the beginning of this book said, I was going to read it. Is it the sex, the humor, the outrageous situations, nostalgia, that keeps us watching? Probably, all of the above and more. This show has fascinated me from day one and I couldn't wait to read this book. Seeing NY City from the 60's and falling in love with each and every smarmy, oversexed guy and gal on this show has been a roller coaster ride. Just as I decide, I really, really can't stand Don, Pete, or Roger; they do or say something that has you shaking your head and not writing them off as a total waste of humanity. The show started out a bit slow this season due to a major shakeup at the end of last season but it has returned with a bang this week. The manipulations, the ad campaigns, the sex, Betty and the kids, Roger: they are all back in fighting form and I hated to see this week's episode end. I wanted MORE! Well, I couldn't have it but with this book in my hands, I get to delve beneath the surface and experience the events of this show on a much, much deeper level. Why am I wasting time writing this when I could be reading this great book?! Later!

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