Tuesday, August 3, 2010

After Dark by Nancy A Collins

Title: After Dark
Author: Nancy A Collins
Genre: YA
Rating: * * * 1/2
Publish Date: July 28, 2009
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Harper Teen
ISBN: 0061349194
FTC Disclosure: Mine

What good is a designer dress if someone puts a stake through it?

It's the most important event of the season in
New York's upper-crust vampire society. The Rauhnacht Grand Ball has everything you need for a night of scandal and intrigue: gala dresses, stolen boyfriends, forbidden love . . .

Then a team of vampire hunters shows up and ruins everything! The surprise attack by Van Helsings is the worst gate-crashing ever.

In the aftermath, half sisters Lilith and Cally scramble to regain their footing at the exclusive
Bathory Academy - and in the world of high fashion, where both have star potential. When new suitors turn the romance up a notch, it's almost enough to make the half sisters forget their intense rivalry. Almost. But shared blood between vampires is not easy, and before long Lilith and Cally find themselves face-to-face again.

Again, a seriously fun action packed read. My only complaint was it was over way too quick. While I asked myself if Cally hadn't become to dumb to live, I still did not want this series to end. So if you want a quick read and don't mind that there may not be another book and thus answers to some of your questions, pick up this series.

1. Vamps (2008)
2. Night Life (2009)
3. After Dark (2009)

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