Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson

Title: Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas
Author: James Patterson
Genre: Drival
Rating: ¼*
Publishers Date: April 29, 2002
Paperback: 272  pages
Publisher: Grand Central
ISBN: 0446679593
FTC Disclosure: Borrowed (thank goodness)

I’d give this book the Thumper Award but I actually finished it so I guess I’m forced to state my feelings for it. Pathetically thin plot, I’d figured it out by the end of the second chapter. Oh, and the red herring he used to boost the suspense, the extra Matt, pit-tee-ful, absolutely pitiful. Was this book a poke at the Nicholas Sparks novels (the ill-fated love, North Carolina, beaches, a tear jerker)? If so it failed miserably. I’m sorry not a tear shed unless for the waste of my time, and I cry when I watch reruns of the Walton’s and little House on the Prairie even the reruns that I’ve seen a gazillion times. This book was a smack in the face to lovers of Patterson’s novels. And I’ve read them all, from the murder mysteries to the YA books, page turners that made his books an auto buy for me. Not so anymore, JP. All I can say is I doubt JP put much more time in the writing of this book than I did the reading of it and I bet he’s laughing all the way to the bank. Luckily, this book was lent to me so I can’t complain about the money spent on it, only the time. I actually am quite surprised at how strongly I feel about this book. It totally offends me as a woman and a reader. Oh, and I heard it compared to the “paper-thin story better suited for Mills and Boon type authors”- are you f*** kidding, they have much higher expectations of their writers than this drivel. Normally, I’d probably wait a day or two before posting a negative review of this magnitude (usually I’ll at least sleep on it) but after realizing that at least a third of the Amazon reviewers felt the same way, nah I can’t see it getting any better. The cover was pretty though.  

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