Saturday, June 12, 2010

Shift by Rachel Vincent

Title: Shift
Author: Rachel Vincent
Genre: Paranormal U/F Romance
Rating: * * * * *
Review Date: 5/15/2010
Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Mira (March 1, 2010)
ISBN: 0778327604
FTC Disclosure: Bought it

Being the first female werecat enforcer isn't easy. Scars accumulate, but I'm stronger in so many ways.

As for my personal life? It's complicated. Choices worth making always are. Ever since my brother's death and my father's impeachment, it's all I can do to prevent more blood from spilling. Now our Pride is under attack by a flight of vicious thunderbirds. And making peace with our new enemies may be the only way to get the best of our old foe.

With the body count rising and treachery everywhere, my instincts tell me to look before I leap. But sometimes a leap of faith is the only real option..

I love series and generally will wait and read them in a batch of 3 or 4 books at a time as I hate to wait on the next book. This series is one of my exceptions. I fell in love with the werecat world that Vincent built and every character in it, good and bad guys. I am going to be so sad when October gets here because it will bring this world to an end with Alpha. I can’t say that I liked Faythe when this series started. She was an over indulged bratty princess. But she tends to grow on you or more importantly, grows up. I’m not real fond of books told in the first person but here again this series is an exception. Truly, this series is exceptional in so many ways. While there is romance in the stories, these books have been quite brutal in many ways and will take you from laugher to tears in a matter of pages.  If you read no other series this year, you owe it to yourself to indulge in this one. This is a series that MUST be read in order. I can’t imagine how lost you would feel to read these out of order. Each book builds on the previous one’s storyline. I love Vincent’s addition of the thunderbirds. I’m sure they will have top billing in the last book.
 Another thing that Vincent has done that I as a reader appreciate is that she has kept the books as mass market paperbacks. Often when a series becomes a hit, the author will switch to the trade size or even hardbacks with the cost almost doubling. Thank you, Rachel.

1. Stray (2007)
2. Rogue (2008)
3. Pride (2009)
4. Prey (2009)
5. Shift (2010)
6. Alpha (2010)


  1. Following you back from the Hop, looking forward to sharing some great reads!

  2. This one really sound pretty interesting.Nice review!

  3. I have heard some great things about this book!!!! I really want to read it!!! Great Review!!

  4. This is a really fun series. I've read all of them and I'm looking forward to Alpha! Faythe is kick-butt but sometimes she gets out of hand. The thunderbirds were an interesting addition. Very different from the cats. Do you like Rachel's YA series?

  5. I keep hearing positive things about this

  6. I've always been curious about these books because I love her other series, Soulscreamers. You seem to like this series a lot so I think I'll need to give them a try =D

  7. Great Review!! I REALLY want to read these books!!!


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