Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Poison Diaries by Maryrose Wood

Title:The Poison Diaries
Author:Maryrose Wood
Rating:* * *
Review Date:6/11/2010
Hardback:288  pages
Publisher:Balzer + Bray
FTC Disclosure: This book was obtained, free of charge, through Harper/CollinsTeen . Many thanks for providing me a copy to read and review honestly.

Jessamine Luxson lives with her father, Thomas, an apothecary, in an isolated cottage near Alnwick Castle. Thomas’s pride and obsession is his locked garden full of dangerous plants, which Jessamine is forbidden to enter.
When a traveler brings an orphan to their cottage, he claims the boy has special gifts that Thomas might value. Jessamine is drawn to the strange but intriguing boy, called Weed. Soon their friendship deepens into love. Finally, Weed shares his secret: He can communicate with plants. For him they have distinct personalities—and some are even murderous. From the locked garden the poisonous plants call to Weed, luring him with promises of deadly power.
When Jessamine falls inexplicably ill, only Weed’s relationship with the Poisons can save her. But Thomas is determined to exploit Weed’s abilities, even if it risks Jessamine’s life—or drives Weed to the brink of madness.…

A very dark story that reminded me a bit of an Edgar Allan Poe tale. There's romance, mystery, magic, and betrayal. I'm just not sure that YA's will enjoy it. It starts out light and a bit sad as Jessamine tells of growing up without a mother and with a father that barely acknowledged her. After Weed comes into her life, an innocent romance develops and her life turns much more upbeat. Then it takes on a more sinister mood when Jessamine takes ill. Although Weed was slow to understand her illness, I had no doubt of the culprit. Can't say that I liked the ending, but if indeed it is a trilogy, maybe I can see why the author chose to end it as she did. Not sure if I'll read the next book if there is one. I'll have to let it germinate a bit to see if takes root or not.


  1. I've seen a vid with the author talking about the book and different plants that have killing potential. Sounds creepy but totally up my alley!

  2. Thanks for hopping by. I am now following, and I put The Poison Diaries on by to be read list.



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