Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hunted by the Others by Jess Haines

Hunted By The Others
Author: Jess Haines
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Rating: * * * 1/2
Review Date: 6/3/10
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Zebra (May 1, 2010)
ISBN-10: 1420111876
FTC Disclosure: Won copy in contest by author

They are the Others -- the vampires, mages, and werewolves once thought to exist only in our imaginations. Now they're stepping out of the shadows, and nothing in our world will ever be the same again...
In A Town Like This, Being A P.I. Can Be Murder
Shiarra Waynest's detective work was dangerous enough when her client base was strictly mortal. But ailing finances have forced her to accept a lucrative case that could save her firm, if it doesn't kill her first. Shiarra has signed on to work for a high-level mage to recover an ancient artifact owned by one of New York's most powerful vampires.
As soon as Shiarra meets sexy, mesmerizing vamp Alec Royce, she knows her assignment is even more complicated than she thought. With a clandestine anti-Other group trying to recruit her, and magi being eliminated, Shiarra needs back-up and enlists her ex-boyfriend -- a werewolf whose non-furry form is disarmingly appealing -- and a nerdy mage with surprising talents. But it may not be enough. In a city where the undead roam, magic rules, and even the Others aren't always what they seem, Shiarra has just become the secret weapon in a battle between good and evil -- whether she likes it or not...

While this debut book in the "Others" series didn't blow me away, I did enjoy it. It was an easy read that I finished in one day.  I liked the secondary characters more than Shiarra, however. She just didn't strike me much as the typical kick-ass heroine type that you expect in an urban fantasy, nor did she seem very smart when it came to PI observations. She didn't click with me near as much as Arnold and Sara did. And we need the backstory on why Shiarra was so afraid of the vamps. There has to be more than they are bloodsuckers, surely. I did enjoy the world that Haines created though and the interaction of the different types of paranormals- vampires, and werewolves and mage, oh, my!

 I expect Alec Royce and Chaz (what a name for a werewolf) to play an even bigger role in the next book and will definitely read "Taken by the Others" due out in 2011.

1. Hunted By the Others(2010)
2. Taken By The Others(2011)


  1. Hi, I see that you signed up for my Nancy Holder giveaway that I am having on my blog. For the books Possessions and The Evil Within. The contest ends Friday but since Nancy's book The Evil Within is being released tomorrow I am holding a Nancy Holder day on my blog. All day long you will be able to gain extra entries into the contest. So I am going around to everyones blog who signed up and letting them know. Hope to see you tomorrow.. =)

  2. Great blog..stopping by from the blog hop links :)

  3. Just hopping by!!! Found your blog through the blogger hop!!! I love it!! I am a lover of romance novels as well!!! So feel free to come on over and check it out!!! Addicted To Romance

  4. Great review!I've seen this book around the blogs hehe

    Hopping by from Book Blogger hop =)

    Happy Friday Hop!

    your blog looks awesome!


  5. This book is somewhere in my TBR crates. I am looking forward to reading it. I am just hopping by from The Blog Hop. Check out my blogs at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media to see what kinds of books I read. Happy reading!

  6. i've seen reviews of this book around the blogosphere. it seems the reviewer is either blown away or it's just okay. great cover though--it really catches your attention.

    have a great weekend and happy reading.

    Michelle and Leslie's Book Picks

  7. Hi, stopped on the hop to hay hi and follow -- I will come back to read posts. Please come on by!


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