Friday, June 11, 2010

Book Blogger Hop

Hosted by Jennifer from CRAZY FOR BOOKS

Here are Jennifer's instructions.
Your blog should have content related to books, including, but not limited to book reviews.

If you start following someone through the Hop, leave a comment on their blog to let them know!  Stop back during the week to see other blogs that are added!  And, most importantly, the idea is to HAVE FUN!!

On your blog hop post, tell us about some of the other great blogs you've found while Hopping around!

The Hop isn't just for you to throw your link in there and not visit any other blogs.  It's all about networking and finding new blogs that are of interest.  So, in the spirit of the Hop, try to make some time to visit other blogs and don't post your link if you are not planning on visiting other blogs in the Hop that week.  This is a weekly event, so if you don't have time this week, that's fine!  We'll see you next week!

If you sign MckLinky, please share the love and POST ABOUT THE HOP ON YOUR BLOG!  How else will anyone else find out about it and come join the party?


  1. I love your blog!!! Thanks for coming over to mine!!! I am now a follower, and looking forward to your future posts!!!

    Hope you are having a fun filled weekend!!

    Take Care

  2. Thanks for coming and suscribing to my blog, it means a lot. Your blog is quite good. I suscribed a while ago. Have a good weekend!

  3. Thanks so much for hopping by my blog!
    It means so much to me.
    I love your blog. It's so cute and amazing.

    Have a fun weekend!


  4. Hi Lisa! You're so sweet to hop on by my blog, I poked around your blog and love it! I'm following and will be a frequent visitor :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I'm your newest follower---looks like you have a great site here!!

  6. Hi Lisa!
    Thanks for being incredibly supportive for those who are just getting their feet wet in the world of review blogging!
    I had to come and visit and say "WOW".

    Going to give your blog a twirl and know that I will be back again.
    Have a great weekend and smile!
    Giving you positive karma back :)

    PK Reeves
    Aisle B

  7. Thanks for hopping by my blog - looking forward to reading some more of your paranormal reviews!

  8. hi there! thank you so much for hopping by erika breathes books :) have a lovely weekend!

  9. I'm a newbie just like you. I'm still learning as I go along. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  10. Hi Lisa! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Took a look around your blog here and liked what I read so will certainly be adding you to my Google reader and stopping by when I get vociferous! :)

  11. Hello!

    I saw you stopped by my blog. :D

    Thank you for your support to new bloggers. I wish you longevity as well. :D

    Thank you, (I clicked follow) xD

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog via the hop. Your blog is great!

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today Lisa! Hope you have a wonderful, reading weekend....

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog on the hop. I appreciate the visit! I'm a new follower and look forward to visiting again.

    -JL @ An Avid Reader's Musings

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I see you really like paranormal. I've been trying to add a little more of that to my reading, but mine tends to be more paranormal romance instead of paranormal/fantasy, but I'm trying. lol I'll be following...

  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your site is wonderful!


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Sorry, but because of those nasty spammers I no longer allow Anonymous Users. AU if have comments come out of the dark and stand up and say it instead of hiding behind AU.