Monday, May 17, 2010

Title: Catch of a Lifetime
Author: Judi Fennell
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: * * * 1/2
Review Date: 5/16/2010
Paperback: 357 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca (January 5, 2010)
ISBN: 1402224281
FTC Disclosure: Won this copy in a contest by the author

Mermaid Angel Tritone escapes a shark by jumping into single dad Logan Hardington's fishing boat. All his young son Michael wants for his birthday is a mermaid, and if his dad will only play his cards right, now he'll have one…
Angel wants to give Michael his most beloved birthday gift (a real live mermaid) while also getting to know his father and getting him to help her in her mission to stop humans from destroying the oceans. Logan has never met a woman who cared as much about the same things he does, and she's never met a man who understood her deepest commitment to humanity and nature. When an enemy of conservation shows up and tries to kill Angel, Logan has to choose between continuing the life he's known, or following the woman he loves to the bottom of the ocean…

While I generally, will not read books out of order in a series, I did not have a hard time keeping up with what was going on. Fennell introduced us to a world that had me humming the theme song from the Little Mermaid much of the time. This was a light romance that was fun and kept me flipping the pages until the very end. I thoroughly enjoyed the interaction of Michael and his Dad. You found yourself wanting to pick Michael up and just give him a big old hug. Fennell’s mer-person world was fascinating and I can’t wait to get books 1 & 2 so that I know all the back-story. This was a fun, quick read and had me wishing for the sand at my feet and a long cold glass of tea in my hand.



  1. I have the first book. If you like, I can send it to you. Just email me: oregonkimm(at)gmail(dot)com

  2. Oooh, this sounds good! I love that it is very different from most books that I've read!


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