Monday, May 17, 2010

The Better Part of Darkness by Kelly Gay

Title: The Better Part of Darkness
Author: Kelly Gay
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Rating:* * * 1/2
Review Date: 5/16/2010
Paperback:  394   pages
Publisher: Pocket Books (Nov 24, 2010)
ISBN: 1439109656
FTC Disclosure: Won a copy in a contest

Divorced mother of one, Charlie Madigan, lives in a world where the beings of heaven and hell exist among us, and they aren't the things of Sunday school lessons and Hallmark figurines. In the years since the Revelation, they've become our co-workers, neighbors, and fellow citizens. Charlie works for ITF (Integration Task Force). 

It's her job to see that the continued integration of our new "friends" goes smoothly and everyone obeys the law, but when a new off-world drug is released in Underground Atlanta, her daughter is targeted, and her ex-husband makes a fateful bargain to win her back, there's nothing in heaven or earth (or hell for that matter) that Charlie won't do to set things right. An electrifying debut urban fantasy introducing Charlie Madigan -- the epitome of the modern kick-butt heroine (Jenna Black)!

I’ve got to say, this book lived up to my expectations and then some. I loved Charlie, first as a kick-ass heroine and secondly as a great mom. Yeah, she had to go out every day and do her part (and then some) in saving the world but she never forgot that she was a mom and had a daughter that needed her too. I mean just because she had died and came back from the dead (and no, not as a zombie) she didn’t treat her life as expendable. I just loved the scene where she tried to convince her daughter (and herself) that she would be better off behind a desk. It reminded me a bit of Rick Castle and the way his daughter handles him. It was nice to see that the acorn didn’t fall far from the tree. I image in a few more years that daughter dearest will be out there kicking some alien butt on her own. I loved the world that Gay created but often felt a little lost in the complexity of the characters. As this was the first book in the series, I expect things to even out with book 2.

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