Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Berenstain Bears Celebrate Spring!

As the Berenstain were such a big part of my children's reading experience it seems appropriate to let them welcome spring to the Richards's Tree House in Dudley Country. So come on down that dirt road and welcome them into your child's life.  They are fabulous visitors and we always welcome them back.

"There is slush and mush from melting snow. 
Birds sing.
Plants grow.

A crocus grows 
right through                                                         
the snow.

Wind blows hats off people's heads. 
We take out bikes.
We put back sleds.

It's time to get out 
brooms and mops.
It starts to rain...
then it stops.

The sun begins 
to warm the air.
Great Natural Bear 
comes out 
of his lair...

Hooray! IT'S SPRING!"

Spring is in the air. There's so much to do in this season: playing, cleaning, celebrating, and thinking about the planet. There's a great selection of books that you might want to spring for...

The Bear Museum
Who among us has not experienced even a little bit of terror speaking before an audience, especially as a child ..

Join us at the Tree House...
There's always something happening in Bear Country! The Berenstain Bears Tree House is regularly updated and here you can find the latest news and adventures of your favorite Bears in Bear Country.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the Berenstain Bears. My mom has moved around so much since I was a child but one thing I've asked of her is PLEASE mom, keep my Berenstain Bears books! I hope someday to pass them on when I have a family. :) Seeing this post gave me warm fuzzies in my tummy. Loved those bears when I was small, and I always will!


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