Friday, March 26, 2010


1. The right word __is never the first out of my mouth__
2. _Go away___ and shut the door quietly, please.
3. Up _in the mountains,they are still getting snow___.
4. _In the kitchen, cooking____ is where you'll find me.
5. Ooh! What is that __Mint Girl Scout Cookies- Yumm!!____?
6. _Going to bed early____ is a good idea.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward
to _BBQ at the fire dept____, tomorrow my plans include _working in the yard_ and Sunday,
I want to pile up and finish  "The Better Part of Darkness"__!


  1. Those are the cutest bums I've ever seen! Thank you for stopping by! Friday Follow is the best way I know to learn about new sites. I'm so glad I found you! I love the idea of book reviews so I'll be checking in with you reguarly. Now following so I don't miss anything.

  2. "The right word __is never the first out of my mouth__" - Ha!

  3. Love your fill-ins! Too funny! :)


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