Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome New Friends from Scrapbooking for Busy Moms by OutnumberedMama

Happy Monday everyone! I'm so glad that you're here. Please join in! And please make as many rounds as you can. Everyone loves to make friends!

And if you're new, please feel free to join in at any time! You can add yourself to the linky on {aefilkins}
                                                     Spring Edition:
1. Favorite things about Spring: Being able to open the doors and windows
2. What I'm doing for Spring Break: Sitting at the pool reading and pretending it open

3. Favorite Spring flower: Yellow Forsythia. We have a row of these that come all the way down our drive and at this time of the year, they're beautiful.

4. Do you have a garden? Yes
5. If so, what do you grow. Flowers(mostly flowers) and vegetables
6. Do you do Spring cleaning? Not if I can help it(lol). Not like I use to
7. What is your weather *really* like right now? Well, we've had almost two weeks of sun from 60 to 70 degrees during the day but back down to 30's at night. Definitely not to late to get another hard freeze or even snow.
8. Snapped any weather related photos lately?

9. What's your favorite thing to do on a sunny afternoon? Sit at the pool, reading and getting some sun.
10. Favorite TV show right now? Toss up between Castle and the Mentalist
                                                               Happy Sunny Monday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa, so glad you joined in! That yellow forsythia is so pretty!

    A couple things: I deleted the post you commented on b/c it was so confusing. I'd made a separate post for my answers {w/no Mcklinky} which was confusing everyone. So I added my answers to the main post. If you go back, you can enter your link. :)

    Second, did you know that you have a content advisory warning before coming to your blog? I think b/c of the cute tushy pic. Just wanted you to know!

    Happy Monday!!

    ♥ AMber


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