Saturday, December 1, 2018

Review For THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE DUKE by Janna MacGregor -4*

Series: Cavensham Heiresses #4
Author: Janna MacGregor 
Genre: Historical Romance
Rating: * * * * 
Publishers: St. Martin's 
(November 27, 2018)
Paperback: 368 pages
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley

Lady Daphne Hallworth is ready to celebrate the holidays with her family. But when they accidentally leave her home alone, Daphne uses the time to work on her dream—opening a home for unwed mothers. But her quest isn’t problem-free: She’s in a battle to win the property for the home against her brother’s best friend-turned-enemy, Paul Barstowe, Duke of Southart. And that’s not all: someone has stolen her personal diary, which holds secrets that could devastate her family. Daphne has always harbored private feelings for the man her family scorns…though perhaps striking a bargain with the handsome Duke will solve both their problems?

Paul, long considered good for nothing, aims to open a hospital to honor his brother and restore his reputation. So when a conflict over the land brings him straight into Daphne’s life, they make a deal: He will help her find her diary if Daphne can change her family’s opinion of him. But before he can win her family’s affection, he has to win hers first. Maybe love was the answer to their family feud all along?

First, what I loved about the book-- mostly, the heroine, Daphne. She was headstrong and pretty modern thinking for a woman of this era (although I'm not sure what the time period was). I also adored the history that she had with our hero, Paul. I so love getting a peek at the  childhood of characters and watching them morph into the  adults they become  for us in these books. 
What I didn't love -- that Daphne was so headstrong.  Let's face it, she was pretty impetuous and was lucky that her escapades did not land her in more trouble than they did. All in all though, this was a pretty enjoyable book. I read it in only 1 day and when I discovered that there were actually three earlier books in this series, kind of glad that I read it out of order (and if you've read any reviews I write, you know I'm a stickler for NOT reading a series out of order). So now, I can binge the earlier books without having to wait a year to visit the Cavensham heiresses again!
It is not a problem at all reading this book out of order. It does an excellent job of standing on it's own though I'm sure once I get the first three read, I'll probably reread this just to get the full enjoyment of an excellent series.

Cavensham Heiresses
1. The Bad Luck Bride (2017)
2. The Bride Who Got Lucky (2017)
3. The Luck of the Bride (2018)
4. The Good the Bad and the Duke (2018)

5. Rogue Most Wanted (2019)

Following the doctors cheerful announcement of triplets, the first thing Janna MacGregor did was pick her darling husband off the floor. The second thing she did was make a decision about what to do with all her newfound free time. Take her word for it, mandatory bed rest can skew ones perceptions. During her sojourn in bed, Janna remembered her attorney-husbands sage advice that successful attorneys always have the last word in an argument. Taking these wise words to heart, she became an attorney and soon was managing partner of his law firm. She is certain he and their triplets rue the day he ever made that comment.
After living in a variety of Midwestern cities, she settled in Kansas City Missouri, the crown jewel of the Midwest and home of her favorite team, the Kansas City Royals. Through all her wanderings, she has always found time to read passionate, sweeping romances. It didnt take long for her to decide to add Author on her resume. Practicing law by day, she writes sexy historicals set in the Regency period whenever she is not in court arguing those last words.

Join her and escape in stories about compelling and powerful heroines meeting and falling in love with their equally matched heroes. Rememberevery romance should be messy, carnal and forever.

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