Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Review- DEAD GIRL RUNNING By Christina Dodd-5*

Title: Dead Girl Running
Series: Cape Charade #1

Author: Christina Dodd

Genre: Thriller Suspense
Rating: * * * * *
Publishers: HQN Books
(Apr 24, 2018)
Hardback: 336 pages
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley
Copy provided for the purpose of providing an honest review.
 This does not affect my opinion of this book.

I have three confessions to make:
1. I've got the scar of a gunshot on my forehead.
2. I don't remember an entire year of my life.
3. My name is Kellen Adams...and that's half a lie.

Girl running...from a year she can't remember, from a husband she prays is dead, from homelessness and fear. Tough, capable Kellen Adams takes a job as assistant manager of a remote vacation resort on the North Pacific Coast. There, amid the towering storms and the lashing waves, she hopes to find sanctuary. But when she discovers a woman's dead and mutilated body, she's soon trying to keep her own secrets while investigating first one murder...then another. 

Now every guest and employee is a suspect. Every friendly face a mask. Every kind word a lie. Kellen's driven to defend her job, her friends and the place she's come to call home. Yet she wonders--with the scar of a gunshot on her forehead and amnesia that leaves her unsure of her own past, could the killer be staring her in the face?

I've read oodles of Dodd's books over the years and this one did not disappoint. It was a good solid thriller that kept me guessing most of the book. Many neat twists that added to my enjoyment and had me sure I'd figured "it" out. Only to a small measure. This is one of those books you need to start really early on a day that you can devote your entire day/night to as you will be unable to leave it unfinished. Several reviewers mentioned a cliffhanger but I felt the ending just was a promise of more to come.
I throughly enjoyed the gothic feel of the resort and the descriptive presentation of this remote area of the North Pacific Coast. With both the mysterious past of Kellen's and trying to determine the who and why of the murder, you get a double mystery that will occupy your mind each time you lay the book down so prepare for a late night once you get solidly into this twisty tale. 

Go HERE for an excerpt of DEAD GIRL RUNNING.

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