Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Review For INTO THE DROWNING DEEP By Mira Grant-5*+

Title: Into The Drowning Deep
Series: Newsflesh #5
Author: Mira Grant

Genre: Horror, Fantasy
Rating: * * * * * +++
Publishers: Orbit
(Nov 14, 2017)
Hardback: 448 pages
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley
Copy provided  for the purpose of providing an honest review. 
This does not affect my opinion of this book.

Seven years ago, the Atargatis set off on a voyage to the Mariana Trench to film a “mockumentary” bringing to life ancient sea creatures of legend. It was lost at sea with all hands. Some have called it a hoax; others have called it a maritime tragedy.
Now, a new crew has been assembled. But this time they’re not out to entertain. Some seek to validate their life’s work. Some seek the greatest hunt of all. Some seek the truth. But for the ambitious young scientist Victoria Stewart this is a voyage to uncover the fate of the sister she lost.
Whatever the truth may be, it will only be found below the waves.
But the secrets of the deep come with a price.

This book was so AWESOME! I read Grant's "Parasitology" series and had nightmares for weeks. I highly suspect this book will keep my subconscious just as involved.
This book takes horror to a whole nother level. My fingers are so cramped from holding on so tight to my Kindle that I can barely type this review. Take Jurassic Park and Jaws and mix them together and you've got maybe a tenth of the horror and nonstop action in this book. While it did drag a bit in the beginning, you've got to spend some pages getting the background and getting familiar with the characters, I swear the last 300 flew by in a blast. Everytime my husband has tried to talk to me today, or the phone would ring, I'd let out a stream of cuss words that had the air turning blue for being interrupted and forced to take time away from this book.
I gotta tell you, this ain't your momma's mermaid story. These suckers were vicious, teeth gnashing, bone crunching, creatures of nightmares. Grant again has you so caught up in this horror that you will think twice, no three times before strolling that deck at night on a cruise in the future. Nope, not me. I'm staying on dry land and in lots of light where the only thing I have to worry about taking bites out me are pesky mosquitoes. It was amazing how realistic Grant can make a story like this seem. I was often stopping and Googling sea creatures mentioned in the story and being flat out amazed at the amount of science here. It was just horrifying how real it read.
This book is definitely my read of the year. Jeez, everything else I read for awhile is just going to be so bland. I can't even work up the enthusiasm to get excited about the new season of The Walking Dead starting this Sunday after this. It has spoiled my entertainment for the rest of the year.

View all my reviews

I have seen this book listed as two different series. One Newsflesh and the other Rolling In the Deep so not sure where it will end up. I've listed it here on the Newsflesh as it gives you several more delightfully horrific books by Grant to check out.

Newsflesh Series

0.5. Countdown (2011)
1. Feed (2010)
2. Deadline (2011)
3. Blackout (2012)
3.1. San Diego 2014 (2012)
3.5. How Green This Land, How Blue this Sea (2013)
3.6. The Day the Dead Came to Show and Tell (2014)
3.7. Please Do Not Taunt the Octopus (2015)
4. Feedback (2016)
5. Into the Drowning Deep (2017)

Mira Grant was born and raised in Northern California, where she has made a lifelong study of horror movies, horrible viruses, and the inevitable threat of the living dead. In college, she was voted Most Likely to Summon Something Horrible in the Cornfield, and was a founding member of the Horror Movie Sleep-Away Survival Camp, where her record for time survived in the "Swamp Cannibals" scenario remains unchallenged.
Currently, Mira lives in a crumbling farmhouse with an assortment of cats, horror movies, comics, and books about horrible diseases. When not writing, she splits her time between travel, auditing college virology courses, and watching more horror movies than is strictly good for you. Favorite vacation spots include Seattle, London, and a large haunted corn maze just outside of Huntsville, Alabama.

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