Sunday, November 5, 2017

Bethany Frost's Re-release Of THE WITCH'S SAVIOR

The Witch’s Savior is LIVE!

The Witch’s Savior
Bethany Frost
Release Date: 11/5/17

Trinity, high priestess of the Starlight Coven, is being threatened by an evil warlock. Feeling a constant threat on her life, she finds herself taking drastic measures. Just when she thinks she has dodged a bullet, she meets a sexy British witch. Faced with new feelings for this hot stranger and a constant worry for danger, she has to face the inevitable. Her friends worry, her family has no clue, and in this, she is on her own. Has she finally escaped evil or has evil changed the game? 
Tobias is after the witch that stole from his family. Thrown into unknown territory on a mission, he is determined to succeed. When he first meets a beautiful witch, he has no problem following through with his orders. When he has to start fighting his growing affection for her, is where the issues begin. Facing her isn’t the only problem now. Between his family and her friends, there seems to be more to the story than what he has been told. When he starts questioning himself, he gets faced with the ultimate battle; is he fighting evil or will evil cost him everything?

Amazon US : AU : CA : UK


Ever since I was a small child, I knew that there was something different about me. I was always a little strange—stranger than the kids I knew at least. Most people can remember snippets of their child-hood, but I could remember being different since I
could understand adult talk. If I was sad, it would rain. If I was mad, there would be a lightning storm. If I was happy, it would be sunny. Most people would think that my mood would reflect the weather, but I knew that the weather would reflect my mood. I would beg my mom and aunt to explain what was wrong, but they would just tell
me that I’m special and one day I would understand.
            I started talking to my aunt about these oddities of mine again around the age of ten. Her reasoning? Apparently I’m a witch. Not like broom-flying, green witch from Wizard of Oz, but a person possessing magical abilities. So I started looking into paganism, concentrating on Wicca. However, that is not where my story begins. It started with this dream I had my second year of college. It wasn’t a dream so much as an out-of-body experience. I saw a man’s face, brown hair and eyes like obsidian.
            “I’ve been waiting for you,” he said to me. Now I know that this sounds like voices in my head, but I swear I’m not insane. In fact when he spoke to me in a deep voice, I believed that it was just a dream, so I rolled with it.
“Who are you?” I asked, wondering if he could see my face too. He wasn’t far from me, but he was far enough away that I couldn’t touch him. It wasn’t some kind of floating head, but his head was the only thing I could make out.
“You can call me Brian. I had to make sure that your powers were mature enough to handle astral projection. You are growing strong.” My aunt had mentioned astral projection. I had tried it once with some of my fellow Wiccans, but it was difficult. You had to clear your mind, which was hard for me. I had only accomplished the task
once or twice, and it was going into a different dorm room while someone was sleeping, not a completely different plane.
“What do you want?” I asked, wondering how this person even knew me to begin with.
“I want to help you. I would like to meet up with you in reality. How about the quad tomorrow night?” he offered. Now I understand the whole don’t meet strangers, but when you’re a practicing witch, strange is usually quite normal. He didn’t even wait for my answer before I was thrust back into my body. Needless to say I was intrigued. I had immediately rushed to my best friend to tell her of the dream. She was a little more hesitant than I was. She ended up talking me out of meeting him. Who knew what this guy was like? Even magical beings could be psycho killers. So after a few days, I had done my meditation, and before I knew it, I was staring back at Brian again. This time he didn’t look kind and inviting, but pissed off and even a little evil.
“You don’t know what you have done by not meeting me, little witch.” He seethed. Boy, he was mad, and I was even gladder that my friend had talked me out of it.
“Why do I have the feeling that what you said about ‘helping me’ was a bunch of bull crap?” I asked, knowing that he couldn’t hurt me on an astral plane. He laughed maniacally. It was like a laugh the evil scientist in old movies would make.
“You had better hope that I never find you, little witch. If I do, I’ll suck all those powers right out of your pretty little body,” he said, and I could feel the truth and terror fill me. Luckily when you get stressed or tense in a trance-like state, you immediately get thrown out of the astral plane. So I did what any smart witch would do. I put a curse on myself. A curse to hide my full powers and to hide my aura. A curse to help hide me from Brian. A curse that turns out didn’t work as well as I thought.
My name is Trinity Star Silvers . . . and this is where my story begins.

Bethany lives in Kansas with her former military husband, turned railroader, two dogs and a cat. She is a writer by day, and a worker by night. She is working on her teaching certification, learning American Sign Language, and a keeper of many hobbies. 
Growing up in Phoenix, New York, Bethany was constantly writing. Whether it was for class or fun, she was always creating stories. She started off writing fanfiction, and after being pushed by her loved ones, finally finished writing her first novel. She is immensely proud to have finished “The Witch’s Savior”, and even more proud to have finished an Anthology piece as well. She is so happy to be meeting so many wonderful people in the writing community, and enjoys sharing and receiving knowledge with the people she meets. 
When she is not writing or working, Bethany enjoys spending time with her family. She could have never gotten to where she is now if it was not for her family and friends; all of whom helped in some way to create each novel.

Connect with Bethany:

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