Thursday, October 5, 2017

Tour & Cover Reveal For IMMORTAL By Kristin Ping

The Varcolacs #1
Kristin Ping
Genre: Contemporary Paranormal Fantasy
Publisher: Fire Quill Publishing
Date of Publication: 2018
Number of pages: 300 pages
Cover Artist: Joemel Requeza from FQ Design

 She knows no fear, as she is fear.

Natasha’s life begins the night she is turned. With the ability to channel fire, a gift that only belongs to the witches, she becomes a terror— not only to the packs, but all the supernatural breeds. She’s known as Blaze. The deadliest vampire out there.
But Blaze has a secret. She didn’t want to become a vampire, she needed to become a vampire, and her reasoning is lost. It died the night her human life did.
Her conscience activates when two varcolacs visit the covenant, looking for allies for the Great War.
What was it about the Varcolacs that made her grow a conscience? And will she be able to outrun it to keep the title of terror?

Kristin Ping resides in South Africa. She is a fulltime writer and has many pen names.
If she isn’t diving head first into a story, she is spending it with her children and husband and occasionally teaching her two bulldogs not to eat the house.
You can find out more about Kristin Ping on all her social media platforms

Guardian of Monsters Street Team   

Kristin Ping Author Page Facebook   

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