Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Cover Reveal & Review For CC Hunter's THE MORTICIAN'S DAUGHTER series

Title: One Foot In The Grave
Series: The Mortician's  Daughter
Author: C C Hunter
Genre: YA Paranormal
Rating: * * * * *
Publishers: EverAfter Romance
(Oct 31, 2017)
Paperback: 325 pages
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley
Copy provided by the publisher for the purpose of providing an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of this book.

 The first exciting novel in a brand-new series from New York Times bestselling author C. C. Hunter!

Her dad’s job is with the dead . . . and he’s bringing his work home with him.

Once again, seventeen-year-old Riley Smith is the new kid in school and her dad’s career has her back to being dubbed a freak. Truth is, she’s a much bigger freak than her classmates think. The only company she keeps these days is the dead who follow Dad home from work. She can see them. She can speak to them. And Fate seems to think she can help them solve their last problems so that they can move on to the other side. Which is odd, because with the loss of her mother and her father’s alcoholism, she’s got enough problems of her own.

But nothing could prepare her for the next tormented young spirit who darkens Riley’s door. The young woman’s death wasn’t the accident everyone believes. Soon Riley finds herself face-to-face with the killer and her only protection comes in the form of another spirit, Hayden, a boy her age with a heart-melting smile and understanding eyes that make her feel safe. If she can escape becoming the killer’s next victim, Riley knows she’ll have to help Hayden move on too, but what if she can’t let him go?

I love getting in on the ground floor of a new series. This book was soo awesome. I read it in one night and could not put it down. This book has YA romance, paranormal and a mystery all rolled up in one. 
Riley and Hayden were amazing characters. Riley is a grim reaper and helps ghosts go into the light. As I had just read an adult book with a grim reaper in it, I was able to look at both of these books and really could not decide which one was better. Riley's character was pretty spunky and I love that she didn't let people walk all over her.  Hayden was a dream guy and I can't wait to see what comes of this romance. There was a pretty neat twist at the end that I saw coming about midway through the book but I bet a lot of people will be surprised by it.
 This was a fun read and I can't wait to read the next books coming out.    

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