Friday, October 20, 2017

A MORTAL INDISCRETION By Barbra E. Ross- Haunted Halloween Spooktacular

A Mortal Indiscretion             
The Justin and Ambra Series #1
Barbra E. Ross    
Genre: Paranormal Romance,
Romantic Suspense, Vampire Romance
Date of Publication: 4/27/16  
ISBN: 978-1530762804
Number of pages: 632 pages
Cover Artist: ProEbook Covers

 A sexy vampire. A little deceit. A love worth dying for. What more could you want from a vampire romance?
A man. A vampire. A love story....
One night changed everything for bachelor Justin Bertolli. A womanizer at heart, never quite ready to settle down, he meets the woman who would change his life forever. Ambra Taylor is that woman, but is she all that Justin bargained for? Told from a male protagonist point of view, A Mortal Indiscretion delivers wholly unique narratives that don’t succumb to the same old recycled concepts. 
Everything unravels in Justin’s world. Although Ambra is a vampire, she is the vulnerable one of the two characters, providing a refreshing twist on standard tales. She is not waiting for her prince to come save her on his white horse. She simply desires love, to feel human love again and will do anything to protect the love of Justin. 
When Justin discovers the truth about who and what she is, will he still love her? Will he still want her? Find out, as their hearts collide in this epic tale of love.

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Chapter 7:

 “Why did you not give her a chance? Then maybe 
you would be…”

“She isn’t you.
No one makes me feel like you do. No one,” I said and she looked over at me.

“You still 
believe that? After all I have put you through? After all I have done?”

“Yes. I believe
it. I know it.”

“But you must 
realize, that I am not what you thought I was. Don’t you?”

“Yes. I know 

“But, I do not 
understand. Does it not upset you?” she asked.

“Yes. It upsets 
me. But you owe me the truth, and you are going to 
tell me the truth now, 
right? No more lies?”

“Yes Justin. And 
then, maybe you will go running to that girl. 
Maybe you should go after her 
right now. There may still be a chance.”

“No. I don’t run 
away. That is your thing.”

She sighed and
sat on the edge of the bed, naked. She turned her back to me. 
I looked at her 
back, so sexy. Shoulders strong and defined. 
She had her arms across her chest.
She knew I was going to ask the questions. I think she was 
mentally preparing 
herself for the blows.

“Go ahead 
Justin. Ask.”

“First of all…
You’re not gonna tell me that you have to work in the 
morning, are you? Because 
I ain’t falling for that shit anymore,” I said. 
It just slipped out of my 
mouth. Like I didn’t have a filter between my 
brain in my mouth.

“No. I suppose 
you would not.” She turned to look at me.

“And you are 
staying here with me, right? I am going to have the 
pleasure of your company 
during the day? Right?” I pressed, as 
I felt my anger rising.

“Yes, I will 
stay. But I cannot go out with you during the day. 
will have to keep the 
shades drawn. It is just not that simple to explain.” 
She kept her head down as 
she spoke these words.

“Fine. I can 
handle that. Tell me, what exactly would happen if I did 
open the shades 

“I would burn up 
and die,” she stated, flatly.

“What are you 
Ambra? Are you ready to tell me to my face now?” I was insistent. “Because I 
really need to know.”

“I am…” She 
started and then, she became silent again.

“Say it, dammit! 
I want to hear you say it to me,” I was really getting pissed.

“I am a 
monster,” she whispered.

“What? What kind 
of monster? You tell me God dammit!” I yelled.

“A vampire,” she 
said it so quietly, keeping her back to me.

“You turn around 
and say it to my face. You have kept this from me for 
so long. I want you to 
look me in the eye! I deserve it!” I grabbed her 
shoulders as I yelled at her.
She turned to me, tears flowing down her cheeks.
“Justin, I am a vampire.”

About the Author:

Barbra E Ross lives in Michigan. She is a nurse by day and a writer of fiction at night.

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