Friday, June 9, 2017


A Knight Without His Lovers
Jamel Gross
Genre: Poetry
Publisher: BookVenture Publishing LLC
Date of Publication:  January 2017
ISBN: 978-1-946250-95-7
Number of pages: 150

In this classic love story told in poetry, author Jamel Gross takes readers to the Dark Ages with his verses.
From a man who enjoys life, a good book, and everything positive in this world, comes a compelling anthology of poems that speak of the classic tale of love. In “A Knight Without His Lovers”, author Jamel Gross compels readers to open their hearts and feel the expressions of love – and love lost – through the verses of his poems.
In this compilation of poetries, readers will experience falling in love all over again. The author hopes to evoke that feeling by talking about the Dark Ages, in that time to love and not to love and to love again. And that classic love story is overflowing in this poetry collection.

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Summer Sun

When I saw summer in your smile.
What I witnessed the end of love, in your eyes!
When I saw a rose die!
I cried myself to sleep!
When I awakened, I realized.
You said goodbye, I sing this melody,
because I had fell head over heels in love!
When I play this song, I see love reborn in your eyes.
When the laughter begins, you said, goodbye!
From the beginning, you met me I saw summer love;
In your art and the music, you played!
I won’t find another one of your tears until my eyes won’t
Until love arrive and waken me from sunset to sunrise.
I’ll always think of you, my sun and nite.
We made love underneath the stars!
When I rehearse this track play me a love song,
straight from your heart.
When tears were written we made love,
underneath the cherry moon!

Mona’s Heart and Tragedies

Treachery poisoned her life.
A trail of broken tears and broken promises.
False lies and deceiving eyes.
The queen of infinite, attic of the universe,
And a spell less triangle!
The aviator Allan Poe of mysteries.
She’s the house of many tales wave goodbye,
Immortal tears and drama.
The final flight and passageway.

About the Author:

On a relaxing day, I enjoy a good book to start the day. I hope everyone has an opportunity to purse their dreams in life... Also I like to take time and enjoy life. Sometimes things aren’t as promised, never take loved ones for granted, spending time with family and friends. The Drive is the most intoxicating force. Sometimes I feel as if I’m on a mission. Pray for World Peace and the lives that were lost???

As a writer, I find people fascinating. It is only the beginning until the clock is up. Precious time, precious few. Make time and savor the moment let no obstacles come between you and the gift... A little robust, a good jolt to start the day.

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