Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Review For RACE AGAINST TIME by Sharon Sala- 4 *

Title: Race Against Time
Author: Sharon Sala
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Rating: * * * * 
Publishers: Harlequin
(Jun 27, 2017)
Paperback: 384 pages
ISBN: 978-0778319979  
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

Sometimes fate brings you together…only to tear you apart 
Growing up in the foster system, Quinn O'Meara made a point of never getting involved. But when she discovers a crying baby amid a fiery crime scene, she knows she has no choice. Suddenly in way over her head, Quinn turns to the police, unintentionally positioning herself in the cross-hairs of a deadly human-trafficking ring. 
The last time homicide detective Nick Saldano saw Quinn, she was still the young girl he'd shared a foster home with. The girl who'd loved and cared for him when no one else had. Now here she was, gorgeously all grown-up—and in terrible danger. 

Unwilling to lose her again, Nick insists on keeping Quinn close, especially when the bond they once shared heatedly slides into desire. Quinn finally has someone worth holding on to, but what kind of future can they have when she might not live to see tomorrow?

I thought this book started out with a bang but the last half of it seemed to drag some. There were a couple of inconsistencies that kind of bothered me but the whole human trafficking aspect  of it was heart breaking and so sad that it almost had me in tears. 
I'm generally not a fan of a book that is from different POVs but it definitely worked here. There is a lot of suspense and I found myself gripping my Kindle for dear life on numerous occasions. I loved the romance between Quinn and Nick and thought the mixture of romance and suspense to be a great balance. Quinn was the kick-ass person every woman wants to be.

With over fifty books in print, award-winning author Sharon Sala, who also writes as Dinah McCall, still has to remind herself from time to time that this isn't a dream. She claims that, for her, learning to read was a matter of evolution, but learning to write and then being published was a revolution. It changed her life, her world and her fate.

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