Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Release Day Blitz For EVIL'S UNLIKELY ASSASSIN by Jenn Windrow

Unlikely Assassin

Alexis Black Novel #1

Release: June 6, 2017
Genre  : Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Muse It Up Publishing
ISBN: 1771279222
Number of pages: 290

Cover Artist: Erica Petlit Designs

 Sometimes it takes evil to kill evil

Vampire Alexis Black is on a mission - to rejoin the human race.

Coerced into signing an ironclad contract by an Angel-with-attitude, Alexis must hunt down and assassinate at least one vampire, werewolf, or creepy crawly every night for fifty years to become human again. Too bad the contract didn’t mention the badass vampire who
now rides shotgun in her brain, insatiable bloodlust, or her new
I-hate-everything-with-fangs sidekick. If she can fulfill her end of the
bargain, her humanity is restored, if not she will be destroyed.

But when a revenge-seeking bloodsucker threatens her city, Alexis must risk everything to ensure there’s a humanity to return to. Since her vampire nature is her greatest weapon to defeat the monsters that threaten her friends and future, Alexis must choose to
accept her inner beast or watch those she loves die.

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Tonight’s job 
had me sitting in a shadowy corner of a dead-end dive watching the unfortunate, 

the hopeless, and the degenerate. Had I known this is how I’d be spending my 
one hundred and seventy-third birthday, I would have called in sick.

An aging 
cocktail waitress hustled to over-serve society’s misfits. An ex-con, a dealer, 

and an addict pissed their lives away at the far end of the bar. A trio of 
prostitutes circled the room, their knock-off stiletto’s clicking on the wooden 
floor. And a single cockroach scurried for cover before being squashed.

How would the 
humans feel about me, the vampire, hiding in their shadows? 
One of the 
battered bar stools toppled, throwing its occupant to the filthy concrete. The 
man, in a faded red and black flannel shirt, picked himself up off the floor.

Dingy jeans slid down his hips, revealing a pair of boxers far past the 
expiration date for a wash. He bumped and weaved his way through the crowd, 

ignoring the spilled drinks and curses he left in his wake, and cut a crooked 
but determined path right to my table.

He collapsed 
into the booth next to me, blocking my only chance at escape. “How’s ’bout a 


I wrinkled my 
nose at what had to be three days’ worth of sweat and grime, raised my bottle 

and sloshed the liquid from side to side. “Still nursing this one.” I focused 
on a faded picture of the Blues Brothers nailed to the wall and hoped he’d take

the hint. A sharp tap on my shoulder told me this guy was either clueless or 
didn’t give a shit. My money was on clueless.

“What’s your 
name, sexy?”

Oh how I wanted to ignore his question, but the last thing I needed was Mr. Drunk and Stupid to
cause a scene and blow my cover. “Alexis.”

grease-coated fingers played “Get the Buggy” up my arm. I slapped them away 

before they got past my elbow. “How’s ’bout we get to know each other better?”

He gave me a lopsided wink and ogled my breasts.

When he looked at me, he saw what every other human did, a twenty-three year old, petite brunette with large, light blue eyes. But if he leaned in close, he would see what lurked below the exterior, something sinister and scary, with sharp fangs

and a deadly personality.

Jenn Windrow loves characters
that have a pinch of spunk, a dash of attitude, and a large dollop of sex
appeal. Top it all off with a huge heaping helping of snark, and you've got the
ingredients for the kind of fast paced stories she loves to read and write.
Home is a suburb of it's-so-hot-my-shoes-have-melted-to-the-pavement Phoenix.
Where she lives with her husband, two daughters, and a slew of animals that
seem to keep following her home, at least that's what she claims.

Jenn's Urban Fantasy, EVIL’S
UNLIKELY ASSASSIN won the RWA Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal (FF&P),
“On The Far Side” writing contest in July 2014, top 5 in the RWA Desert Rose,
“Realizing the Dream” writing contest, and finaled in the Houston Writers Guild
annual writing contest in April 2014. It was also selected as first runner up
in Writers Type’s First Chapter Contest in April 2013.

Her Paranormal Romance, STRUCK BY
EROS placed first in the RWA’s Golden Pen Contest, third in the Ruby Slippered
Sisterhoods Make it Golden contest, and fourth in the West Coast Romance
Writers Beacon contest.

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