Friday, June 16, 2017

Cover Reveal For FEARLESS (Nameless #3) by Jennifer Jenkins

Hello Readers! Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
Fearless (Nameless #3) by Jennifer Jenkins
presented by Month9Books!
Be on the look out for this upcoming YA title!
What do you think of the cover?

Blurb to come

Fearless (Nameless #3) by Jennifer Jenkins
Publication Date: October 2017
Publisher: Month9Books

With her degree in History and Secondary Education, Jennifer had every intention of teaching teens to love George Washington and appreciate the finer points of ancient battle stratagem. (Seriously, she’s obsessed with ancient warfare.) However, life had different plans in store when the writing began. As a proud member of Writers Cubed, and a co-founder of the Teen Author Boot Camp, she feels blessed to be able to fulfill both her ambition to work with teens as well as write Young Adult fiction.
Jennifer has three children who are experts at naming her characters, one loving, supportive husband, a dog with little-man syndrome, and three chickens (of whom she is secretly afraid). Visit her online at

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