Thursday, June 1, 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway For ONLY A VISCOUNT WILL DO by Tamara Gill

Only a Viscount Will Do

by Tamara Gill
To Marry a Rogue #3
Publication Date: May 22, 2017
Genres: Adult, Entangled: Select, Historical Romance

Amazon US:

Lady Alice Worthingham never conforms to Society’s norms. Ever. She loves adventure, new experiences, and approaches life with a sassy attitude Society can take or leave. But even for her, robbery by a highwayman is a bit much.

Lord Arndel, Lady Alice’s neighbor, is playing a dangerous game—acting the proper viscount by day and the Surrey Bandit by night. And to brazenly steal from the woman who’s captured his attention is no mean feat, or the wisest of moves.
When Lady Alice learns the truth, the viscount finds that when a well-bred woman seeks revenge, she’ll make a gentleman thief pay for his crimes with everything…including his heart.

            “A shame that a woman like you will enter a marriage of convenience. Such delectable flesh should be loved a great deal and pleasurably so.” His hand clasped her shoulder and pushed her against the multitude of parcels tied to the back of the carriage. He leaned in closer than she’d ever allowed a man to do. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a woman like you under me. Oh how I’d love to partake in mutual pleasure that would ruin you for anyone else.”
            Alice swallowed, hating the fact that deep down, her body was reacting to his absurd, scandalous words. She shouldn’t allow him to say such things. She should knock him in the head, but at this moment she didn’t have anything to do the job with, so it was a moot point.

            “How do you know me, sir?” she managed to ask, her breath stuck in her lungs, her nerves frayed by the thought of this man atop her, pleasuring her as his words promised.

Tamara is an Australian author who grew up in an old mining town in country South Australia, where her love of history was founded. So much so, she made her darling husband travel to the UK for their honeymoon, where she dragged him from one historical monument and castle to another.
A mother of three, her two little gentleman in the making, a future lady (she hopes) and a part-time job keep her busy in the real world, but whenever she gets a moment’s peace she loves to write romance novels in an array of genres, including regency, medieval and paranormal.
Tamara loves hearing from readers and writers alike. You can contact her through her website, and sign up to follow her blog or newsletter.


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