Thursday, June 22, 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway For ISLE OF SAVAGES by T. Briar

Isle of Savages
T. Briar
Genre: New Adult Action Suspense Thriller
Publisher: MuseItUp Publishing
Date of Publication: June 13, 2017
eBook ISBN: 978-1-77127-926-0
ASIN: B07195LTB8
Number of pages: 220
Cover Artist: Eerilyfair Design

 Eleven souls are shipwrecked on an island teeming with sub-human cannibals. Who will survive to tell the tale?

On July 20, 20— a charter school’s sponsored sail from San Diego to Hawaii hits a reef during a violent storm. Sixteen souls abandon ship. Nine students, along with the hated captain and first mate, wash up on what they believe is a deserted island.
Separated into three groups by circumstance and mutual distrust, treachery and death lurks for all. Over the course of a single day, one student betrays all the others. Another drowns. Two others get ambushed by a great white shark. And, like falling dominoes, the captain, first mate, and six students fall prey to a tribe of bloodthirsty cannibals.

In the face of almost certain death, who will escape from the isle of savages to tell the tale?

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“Please Benny…water,” the woman begged without ever opening her eyes. “I’m sorry I tried to help Argyle and the others steal your boat. They made me. I’ll do anything for a drink of water. I’m begging you.” 
“I’m not Benny,” Keri addressed the woman in the most officious voice she could muster, all her initial pity disappearing. “You’re one of the pirates he was telling me about.”
The woman’s eyes flickered open—cold blue and instantly calculative. “You don’t understand. I had no choice. They threatened to gang-rape me. Surely, as a woman, you can understand my having to go along with them.” 
Keri offered up no reply. She wasn’t stupid. Pirates were the scourge of the oceans. They murder boaters at whim, rape indiscriminately, and steal any and everything they could. If this woman died down here in her own filth, well…the world would be better off having one less murdering thief plaguing it. 
She reached for the door handle to close the door, not blaming Benny for the woman’s horrendous treatment in the least. She’d recently learned that the world was a hard place filled with terrible people, and no good reward came to good deed doers. Just look at what happened to Eric. 
“Please!” the woman wailed. “He’s going to sell me to slavers. He’ll sell you too if you’re not already in business with him. I swear it! There’s broken fingernails in front of the other cages that proves I’m telling the truth. I’m not the first woman he’s kept captive down here.”
Keri wanted to scoff at the woman’s lies, but paused with a hand on the doorknob, for the first time noticing the other identical cages in the room. A total of twelve to be exact. 
“It’s true.” The woman nodded for emphasis. “Just take a quick look. Please.” 
Keri leaned forward at the waist, poking her head into the room. In front of the cage sitting next to the woman’s, several jagged human fingernails littered the white painted floor, along with corresponding gouge marks peeling the white paint down to the metal. Extending over even further to get a better look, she saw that the fingernails were obvious fake, the kind applied in beauty salons all over the world. However, the spatters of dried blood speckling the floor looked genuine enough. 
“What the fuck?” tumbled from Keri’s lips as she stepped into the room.

About the Author:

Always striving for pulse-pounding action, sitting-on-the-edge-of-your-seat suspense, and hair-raising thrills, T. Briar’s mainstream thriller writing places courageous heroes and heroines in the fight of their lives against the elements, hostile surroundings, morally bankrupt villains, and any other obstacles T. can think of.

But be warned, once the wheels are set into motion with the first sentence, it’s a twisting, turning journey to the end to see who lives and who dies. And make no mistake, someone’s going to die. Some will even die badly. That’s just the way it is when fighting for survival under perilous conditions. The only question is: Will it be the heroes and heroines, or the villains?

T. Briar’s target audience is New Adults who boldly step up to meet life’s challenges with the confidence of youth urging them on.

Please checkout T. Briar’s page at to find out more about T. and his thriller writings.

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