Sunday, June 4, 2017

Blog Tour For HART OF THE STORM By Skye Turner

Title: Hart of the Storm 
Author: Syke Turner 
Genre: Adult Romance  
Release Date: May 31, 2017

Amberlee Hart has always had it easy. Her beauty and ability to sing like a Siren have made her a star in Louisiana. Though her dreams are much bigger than “the boot.” Jeb Storm has always been a tortured soul, judged for his upbringing. Music has always been his escape. While driving to the most important audition of his life, Jeb stops to help a woman in distress. Amberlee instantly recognizes the “boy from the wrong side of the tracks” who frequented her thoughts "way back when". Forgotten attraction is rekindled and a relationship is formed. Passion wars with beautiful music as both pursue their dreams. There can be only one starWill the man who's always had to fight for everything in his life forfeit his dream for the one thing he’s never had… loveWill the woman who's never doubted she'd find fame compromise her dreams for the perfect man? Can love conquer the Hart of the Storm?

Amazon UK:


Skye Turner is an avid reader and an editor turned writer. She attended Southeastern Louisiana University and Louisiana State University where she majored in Mass Communications, centering her studies in Journalism. She lives in small town Louisiana with her husband, 2 kids, and 8 fur babies. When she's not chained to her laptop pounding out sexy stories she can usually be found playing Supermom, reading, gardening (playing in the dirt), or catching up on her family oriented blog.

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