Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Review & Giveaway For PLAYING FOR THE SAVE By Rachelle Ayala


Series: Men of Spring Baseball #4

Author: Rachelle Ayala

Genre: Sports Romance
Rating: * * * *
Publishers: Amazon Digital Svc LLC
(Apr 30, 2017)
Paperback: 300 pages
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by Beck Valley Books Book Tours and all opinions are 100% mine

Veteran relief pitcher Ryan Hudson always saves the game for his team. He’s dependable, focused, and good at what he does.
Which is why he prefers to live alone and not have anything to do with women and all the noise and chaos they bring.
Noise and chaos is all single mother Jamie Rush knows. Working and taking care of her two boys is a full time job, especially since one of them is autistic and she gets no help from her ex-husband.
When her two sons win a day with ballplayer Ryan Hudson, they strike up an odd friendship with the reclusive pitcher. Jamie is wary of the baseball hero, but can’t help fantasizing about him.
Ryan is attracted to Jamie, but desperately tries to hide his past. The only problem, they’re made for one another.

They just don’t know it.

The Men of Spring Baseball Series can be read standalone,
 but are more fun when read together.

 #1 Playing the Rookie

 #2 Playing Without Rues

 #3 Playing Catch

 #4 Playing for the Save

As most of you know, I adore sports romances, especially baseball ones. I absolutely adored Ryan. Though he had his secrets, he was definitely one of the good guys. I loved how devoted he was to Jamie
and her boys. He was especially understanding and very capable of handling her autistic son. Ayala did an awesome job of making you see and feel the heartbreaking/rewarding job of a parent of an autistic child. While all do not act or respond the same way, it definitely was an eye opening experience for me. The main thing that had me giving this book a 4*, which I read in one sitting last night, was the different POVs the author used late in the book. Alternating POVs tend to jolt me out of that little cocoon I get in when reading and I felt like they detracted rather than added to the story. That said, I loved the rest of the book.  

Go here for the giveaway


  1. Thank you for reviewing Playing for the Save today xx

  2. Thank you for your wonderful review. I truly appreciate your opinions and thoughts. :)

  3. Thank you for the interesting review!


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