Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Review For MURDER BETWEEN THE LINES by Radha Vatsal-5*

Title: Murder Between The Lines

Series: Kitty Weeks #2

Author: Radha Vatsal
Genre: Murder Mystery
Rating: * * * * * 
Publishers: Sourcebooks Landmark
(May 2, 2017)
Paperback: 320  pages
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

As the specter of the Great War hangs over the country, a promising young student turns up dead.
When Kitty Weeks' latest assignment writing for the New York Sentinel Ladies' Page takes her to Westfield Hall, a well-regarded girls' school in New York City, she expects to find an orderly establishment teaching French and dancing―standard fare for schoolgirls in 1915. But there's much more going on at the school than initially meets the eye. Kitty especially takes note of the studies of Elspeth Bright, the daughter of a scientist heavily involved in naval technology, who has inherited her father's interest and talent for scientific inquiry.
Elspeth's seemingly accidental death is a shock to the school community and to Kitty―and the more she finds out about Elspeth and her family, the more the intrepid reporter begins to believe that it may not have been an accident after all.

This book had two of my favorite things-mystery and pre-World War I New York. I adore a book that while getting me totally lost in a murder mystery will also take me on a trip to the early 1900's in New York City. I love seeing the awesome clothes and visiting the sites throughout NY City. This book was chock full of history that often had me going to my laptop to check out and read more in depth on. I haven't read the first book in this series which in no way lessened my enjoyment of it but I do intend to go back and read it as I have fallen in love with this author. I so hope there will be many, many more books in this series.

Radha Vatsal grew up in Mumbai, India, and came to the United States to attend boarding school when she was sixteen. Her fascination with the 1910s began when she studied women filmmakers and action-film heroines of silent cinema at Duke University, where she earned her Ph.D. from the English Department. A Front Page Affair is her first novel. Radha lives with her husband and two daughters in New York City.

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