Thursday, May 18, 2017

Excerpt Reveal for THE TRUTH OF VICTORY By CB Haight

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A Powers of Influence Novel #3
395 Pages
Genre: Modern Paranormal Fantasy/ Some clean romance

She was gone....

Stolen from them by an old enemy, Collett and her secrets had drifted into nothingness on a misty fog. She saved them all and left them with more questions than answers.
For nearly three centuries, twin lycanthrope brothers, Cade and Jarrett, had been on opposite sides of an ongoing war. Now, because of Collett, the brothers are united in purpose to eradicate The Faction once and for all. The fierce warriors decide to do what comes naturally. They go hunting.
With the police now involved, demons to kill, and reminders of Collett surrounding them, the brothers find that taking down the evil organization is their greatest challenge.
How could they know that their enemies are also uniting under a power even more ancient than themselves?
In the third book of Powers of Influence, Cade and Jarrett learn that trials often shape a man for a purpose and that their destiny is much more significant than either one of them had imagined.


When Jarrett reached the top of the incline he shook his head to erase the unwelcome images. Then he looked out across the valley below and understood why Cade liked this place.
An early thaw had melted most of the ice that once covered a small lake within the center of the valley. Today, pregnant, heavy clouds rolled over mountaintops and hid the peaks within their gray depths. Beams of light broke through in small slivers that touched the green grasses peeking out of thinning snow.  All around the water, some trees released from their winter weight speared up, reaching for the sun. Others, still heavy with snow, bowed in reverence to the lake.
The beauty of the scene before him shattered when Jarrett glanced to the side and saw Cade at the edge of the precipice.
The heartache emanating from his brother was a thick, heavy cloud, and there was an anger simmering deep inside that Jarrett understood all too well.
Cade stood upon the peak as a large, black wolf. Being a wolf was easier. In this form, the animal instincts would be stronger than the pain. The basic urges and needs of the animal would outweigh his human thoughts.
His brother made no move to acknowledge the intrusion on his solitude, but Jarrett knew he heard. “There was a detective at the house today,” Jarrett told him. “He wants to talk to you.”
Cade tilted his head. Jarrett knew his twin needed a distraction, and lucky enough for Cade, Jarrett understood the need for such things better than most. They were not idle creatures by nature. The wolf inside them craved the hunt, it craved action, especially in a time like this.
Jarrett came out intending to fulfill that need. He wanted to take Cade away from this place and give him a point of focus. He knew staying here would only make things worse, in more ways than one. Jarrett understood that Hall hadn’t swallowed the group’s story about the drug lord. Plus, it could only help to get away from the things that reminded them of Collett.
“Get dressed, we’re leaving,” Jarrett said and threw clothes at the wolf. When Cade looked away, content to ignore him, Jarrett taunted, “Let’s go hunt down Victor and the rest of those Faction monkeys.” He lifted a brow in challenge and grinned when Cade glanced in his direction again. Jarrett saw hunger in his brother's amber eyes. It was the first time since Collett’s death he saw something besides the glazed emptiness. For now, that was enough.

What People Are Saying:

Worth the wait! The final book answers all the questions, and I couldn’t put it down. I found myself reading all night even though I had to get my kids to school the next morning. The ending blew me away.
The characters feel so real and I have grown attached to them. I even found myself feeling sorry for some of the bad guys, and hoping they could see the error of their ways. My new favorite character was Detective Hall. He brings a fun element to this conclusion. It was great to see all the different relationships throughout this series.
I love this series, and hope to see more!

*** Other Books in the Series ***


Purchase Links:
Amazon US : AU : CA : UK


Purchase Links:
Amazon : US : AU : CA : UK

ABout C. B. Haight ~

Camille Bateman Haight, was born and raised in Sandy Utah. She was born seventh in a family with eleven children. Growing up in a loving home she was taught strong principals. Among those lessons was first a love of God, second, a love for family, and third, a love for stories.
Her father helped  her mother learn to read after they were married. Together they taught their children the value of a good book and the hidden worlds between the pages.
Now as a mother of five girls, Camille passes those lessons to her own children. With a BA in communications, she found a way to turn her love of reading into a love for writing and hopes the messages hidden in those pages can inspire others.
Having settled in Utah County with her family, Camille spends her extra time bringing new characters to life.
Camille believes, a good story can lead us out of our darkest places. It should pull at you from within, challenge you to think, and bring forth a bond between you and the characters. The characters must be more than just names on a page. They should be your best friend or your most hated foe. A good story will make you laugh out loud or have tears slipping down your cheeks. It should feel real and engage you on every level.

Connect with C.B. ~

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