Monday, May 29, 2017

Blog Tour For DRACONES Series By Sheri-Lynn Marean


Come join us in the world of Dragons, Phoenixes, Shifter and a whole slew of other Supernaturals all battling to stay alive.

Some fight for good reasons, some just so they can come out on top. It’s a wild ride, and one that will have you on the edge of your seat. Page after page, Sheri-lynn Marean keeps you wondering, “what happens now?”

Available now!
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Get your copies today!
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~Meet Sheri-Lynn Marean~

Sheri-Lynn Marean, Author of Dracones Awakening, the first book in the Dracones series, resides in western Canada with her husband, three kids, one dog, one cat, and two fish. Sheri did not grow up thinking she would one day be an author. Instead, she grew up riding and working with racehorses, drawing and selling her animal artwork, and of course reading.

Sheri fell in love with reading at age twelve when she read The Black Stallion series by Walter Farley. She has not stopped reading. With a wide variety of reading interests, Sheri's passion presently is the paranormal romance genre.

One day, after reading an unsatisfying book, she decided she would write her own book, with her own characters, doing what she wanted them to do. She began to type and the characters came to life in her head. She has never looked back.

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