Sunday, April 23, 2017

Release Blitz & Giveaway For ALL OF ME, ALL OF YOU by Vanessa M. Thibeault

Book Title: All of Me, All of You
Author: Vanessa M. Thibeault
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: April 9, 2017
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
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Neither Emily nor Anika expected to fall in love at this point in their lives: young children, messy marriages and exhausting work loads kept these two friends busy and tired. After a failed attempt to spice up Anika’s marriage and Emily struggling to gain the dedication she needed from her own husband, the two women found the love and support they had been craving. Both women had become so caught up in creating the family they lacked growing up, they pushed aside their needs to fill the emptiness that still haunted them. All of Me, All of You touches on the very real fight that everyday women have between their true desires and who society expects them to be.


Vanessa is a mother of two intelligent little girls who keep her on her toes daily. She is working towards her bachelor of arts degree through Thompson Rivers University with a major in English. She currently runs a daycare from her home as well as facilitates 0-6 programs in her community. Vanessa spends her days reading and gardening; making memories with her children. Vanessa spends many of her evenings with close friends enjoying good wine and conversation. She would like to travel and explore the world one day. She currently resides in Southern British Columbia where she enjoys warm summers and mild winters, where she can enjoy the outdoors. Vanessa also has a published piece in Transcendent Publishing’s The Peacemakers: Restoring Love in the World through Stories of Compassion and Wisdom (2016).
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