Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Cover Reveal For FISKUR by Donna Migliaccio

The Gemeta Stone #2
Donna Migliaccio
Release Date: November 2017
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Fiery Seas

With his family's talisman in his possession, Kristan Gemeta is ready to face the Wichelord Daazna – but he has no inkling of the scope of Daazna's power, nor the depths of his hatred.    

With the recovery of his family's protective talisman, Kristan Gemeta has found hope, courage – and perhaps even the first stirrings of love.  With the aid of Heather Demitt, her band of rebels, a shipload of Northern brigands and the legendary Kentavron, he readies himself to face the Wichelord Daazna.  But neither he nor his comrades realize the
strength of Daazna's power and hatred.
The Wichelord's first blow comes from a direction Kristan least expects, with horrific, lasting consequences.

Donna Migliaccio is a professional stage actress with credits that include Broadway, National Tours and prominent regional theatres.  She is based in the Washington, DC Metro area, where she co-founded Tony award-winning Signature Theatre and is in demand as an entertainer, teacher and
public speaker.  Her award-winning short story, "Yaa and The Coffins," was featured in Thinkerbeat's 2015 anthology The Art of Losing. 

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