Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway for LOVE UNDER CONTRACT by Sharon C. Cooper

Book Title: Love Under Contract
Author: Sharon C. Cooper
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 17, 2017
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
Timing is everything.

Sumeera Robinson refuses to settle for less than she desires, even if what she craves is the sexy, smart, and charming Nicolas Jenkins-Moore. At her age, she wants marriage and a family, not the empty promises Nick offers. Yet, there is just something about the man that makes moving on nearly impossible.

As the new senior manager of Jenkins & Sons Construction, Nick’s five-year plan is on track with marriage and starting a family at the bottom of the list. Sumeera is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside, but not even she can entice him to abandon his carefully plotted road to success. That is until she walks away without looking back, leaving him yearning for her presence in his life.

Nick is determined to convince Sumeera that he wants the same things she wants. But will an unexpected development keep them from the life they desire? Or will fate bring them closer than they’ve ever been before?
“It changes everything!” He leaped up. “And for the record, we didn’t agree that we didn’t want the same things. That was all you. Baby, I want what you want, but I have a plan…well had a plan.”

Nick rubbed his hand down his face folding his thick arms across his chest. His arms were one of her favorite parts of his body. Hell, who was she kidding? Physically, he was male perfection, stirring a lustful sensation inside her without even trying. Still taking in his upper body, she tapped her fingers against her thigh, fighting the urge to run her hands up his flat abs and over his rock-hard pecs. But gone were the days when she could take such liberties.

“I’ve made it clear that I’m crazy about you, Meera.” He paced in front of her, his hands shoved into the front pockets of his jeans. “I don’t know what else you want me to do to show you just how much. Maybe I should have explained myself better while we were dating, but there were certain areas of my life that I wanted to be better prepared for before considering marriage. My plan included being financially stable, having a home and ensuring that Jenkins & Sons is on course to expand. I never said I didn’t want to get married and have a family. I just said that I wasn’t ready…at the time.”


Sumeera stood slowly. “What are you saying?”

Copyright © March 2017 by Sharon C. Cooper
meet the author
Award-winning and bestselling author, Sharon C. Cooper, is a romance-a-holic - loving anything that involves romance with a happily-ever-after, whether in books, movies, or real life. Sharon writes contemporary romance, as well as romantic suspense and enjoys rainy days, carpet picnics, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She’s been nominated for numerous awards and is the recipient of an Emma Award for Romantic Suspense of the Year 2015 (Truth or Consequences), Emma Award - Interracial Romance of the Year 2015 (All You’ll Ever Need), and BRAB (book club) Award -Breakout Author of the Year 2014. When Sharon is not writing or working, she’s hanging out with her amazing husband, doing volunteer work or reading a good book (a romance of course). To read more about Sharon and her novels, visit www.sharoncooper.net
social media
Join Sharon’s mailing list: http://bit.ly/1Sih6ol

buy the book
Barnes & Noble - http://bit.ly/2lyU97b
Amazon Paperback - http://amzn.to/2mwFTsk
Createspace Paperback - https://www.createspace.com/6989357

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