Thursday, April 20, 2017

Blog Tour & Cover Reveal For SEVYN by Renee Dyer


Renee Dyer
Genre: Thriller/ Romantic

Suspense/Dark Romance
Publisher: Forever Red Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-941853-39-9
Number of pages: 300
Cover Artist: Lee Ching from Under Cover Designs

 When life hands you impossible choices, can you become the man you want to be?
Born into rival drug cartels, 

Kevyn Zozlov and his best friend Esperanza Torres defy the odds, finding laughter in a world full of pain. Ripped away from her at a young age, Kevyn has to learn the difference between family, loyalty, and obedience. Fear keeps him focused each day. 
Memories fill his dreams at night.
Torn between the death he sees
daily and what he believes is right, he struggles to decide the kind of man he 
wants to be—until a promise he makes to his mother, the person he loves more 
than anyone, changes everything.
“Get out of here and find 
Esperanza. Promise me.”
Now, Kevyn has to figure out how
to make his way to the only friend he ever had—the one person who understands 
his damaged world. Will she welcome him back with open arms, or turn him away,
leaving him more lost than he already is?
With time against him, can he find Esperanza and his happiness, or will he be another casualty of the drug
war, buried in an unmarked grave with no one to mourn his loss?

Excerpt :

There is no way to explain the punch in the gut you feel seeing someone murdered.  The sound of the gun shooting.  The way their head jerks.  That moment before the body realizes that its essence is gone, eyes staring nowhere, devoid of all emotion, before finally crumbling to the ground.  Blood dribbles from their lips and pools on the floor.  It’s like your soul performs one last dance before wrenching away to find out what lays beyond.  One last morbid, horrific waltz, it gripped onto me and imbedded every detail into my young mind.
I would never be the same.
He was really gone.

I never wanted to be responsible for someone’s death, but I was responsible for this.  My father was dead because of me.  As he laid there, his eyes devoid of life, no longer able to judge me—hate me, I looked up to the sky and silently thought to my mother…justice is yours.

About the Author:

From a young Renee Dyer had a love of writing, starting with a doodle pad at age four that morphed into journals.  Poetry became short stories
and short stories a novel.  Although 
she’s surrounded by males all day having three sons, a husband, and a
hyperactive chocolate lab, she still finds time to be herself by escaping into
the fantasy of reading and writing romance. 
That is, until she needs a male’s perspective and garners eye rolling from
her husband at all of her questions. 
Renee is a true New Englander. 
You can find her screaming profanity at the TV while the Pats play and
cuddling under blankets during the cold seasons (which is most of them),
reading a good book.  She doesn’t believe
snow is a reason to shut things down, only to slow down and admire the
beauty.  Ask her anything.  She’s an open book—pun fully intended.

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