Sunday, March 26, 2017

Review For NEAREST THING TO HEAVEN by Lynnette Austin-4 1/2*

Title: Nearest Thing To Heaven 
Series: Maverick Junction #2
Author: Lynnette Austin
Genre: Cowboy Romance
Rating: 4 1/2*
Publishers: Forever Publishing
(Dec 20, 2016)
Paperback: 400 pages
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley


Sophie London hates Texas. The longhorns freak her out and the wide-open spaces are more unnerving than a Chicago alleyway at night. But Sophie wouldn't miss her cousin's wedding for the world-even if it means returning to Maverick Junction . . . and to the dangerously irresistible Ty Rawlins.

A single father of rambunctious triplet boys, Ty knows trouble when he sees it-and Sophie's got it written all over her. Yet he's never been able to stop thinking about her, even after their one brief meeting. Maybe fate is giving him a second chance. But if Ty wants Sophie to swap her stilettos for cowgirl boots, they'll each have to face the past-together.

OMG, there is nothing sexier than a single dad who's both a cowboy and great with not one but three kids. Ty has had it rough raising these three little dynamos from birth. Luckily, he has the help of family but it's not the same as a mother and while no one could ever accuse city slicker Sophie London of being mother material, she is pretty awesome with the boys. The only fault, I had with the whole book was, Sophie not letting her friends in on the stalkerish ex-boyfriend until almost too late.  I know there has to be some conflict but I don't like an otherwise smart lady doing some of the dumb things she did. 
Overall, another great cowboy romance that made you both laugh and cry. 

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