Thursday, March 30, 2017

Release Tour For BOTTOM OF THE Sky By Shae Ross

Title: Bottom of the Sky
Author: Shae Ross
Genre: New Adult, Romantic Suspense
Release Date: Mar 21, 2017
Format: Digital, Paperback

Tragedy set his course for revenge.
One woman stands in his way.
Tragedy set his course for revenge. One woman stands in his way.

The last thing I need is to be saddled with the on-the-run niece of the family I’m about to take down. Gianna Silva wants me to help her find her missing mother. But I’ve got bigger fish to fry—namely, her cousins Stefano and Santos Silva. I’m working on the inside, feeding information to the FBI, and I'm about to drop the net on their ring of counterfeiters. To keep Gianna out of my way, I’ve agreed to help her but under one condition: What I say goes. No questions. No pushback. I make the rules.

The problem is Gianna Silva doesn’t know the meaning of the word “rule” and she’s on to me. For two years, I’ve hidden my true identity behind a wall built from stone-cold revenge. I thought it was indestructible—especially against someone with the last name of Silva—the family I’ve vowed to destroy…

If I could find my missing mom by myself I would, but the only enemies she’s ever had are my dead father and his powerful family. Confronting the Silvas alone is too dangerous. I need an insider who knows how to play their game. John Rossi, with his cool, bad-boy confidence and access to the family is my best hope. I’ve bargained away the last dollar in my savings account in exchange for his help, but I’m beginning to think I made a deal with the devil.

I didn’t expect his rules to include sharing a cabin—and a bedroom with him—northwest of Nowheresville. I don’t trust him, or my attraction to him. But to find my mom, I’ll break every one of his damn rules, regardless of the consequences…

Find out more at: Goodreads | Amazon

Short Excerpt:
“Gianna…it’s just a dream.” He’s lying on his side, drawing me out with the soothing voice and steady gaze.
The breathless squeeze in my lungs eases. Awareness dawns, and I become conscious of how close our bodies are. Warmth slips from under the splayed fingers, spreading slowly, travelling lower and weighing down my belly. I should turn away, but a part of me wants to pick up his hand, roll onto my side, and pull him over me like a cape. If only I could.
Reality returns in a blink: Who he is, who I am and what this is all about. My mom. My family. The nightmare’s not real, but reality seems worse.
“You’re all right, Gia. I’ve got you. Right here.”
His fingers move, stroking my bare skin gently, and his tone is filled with resolute assurance. Flecks of amber swim in the moonlit green irises.
I force a dry swallow then turn before my face cracks. “Gia” is the other nickname my uncle used. I squeeze my lids, nodding as if I agree. But I don’t. Tightness builds in my chest, moving into my throat. His words are just a hollow reminder.
Nobody has me. Nobody’s ever had me.
Long Excerpt:
He stops and flips upright in the middle of the moonlit river. His hands hold my waist as our feet cycle. “Why are we stopping?” I ask.
“So you can kiss me.”
His hands catch my ribcage lifting me as he tows me in.
My palms flatten against his slick, hard chest. “I make the rules, right?”
He shakes his head, and a wicked smile sprouts from the perfectly shaped lips. “This is no man’s land…the river is ruled by nature.”
His grin widens, ripping something open in my heart, and I think maybe this isn’t such a bad thing. He obviously needs the distraction and so do I.
I meet his kiss. His head slants over mine, and I open for him, sucking him in. Our bodies bob from the force of his treading feet, keeping both of us afloat. His hand slides to my back, slinging me in flush to his body. My breath jams in my throat when I feel him, thick and hard against my stomach, teasing the nerves gathered low in my belly.
“John…” I break the kiss and gasp a short breath. “I need to conserve some energy if I’m going to make it to the other side.”
He chuckles softly, twirling our bodies until we’re in the current again, but when I stroke to swim beside him, he glides underneath me, looping one of my hands over his shoulder and the other under his chest. I surf his back as he swims, resting my cheek on the wet strands of his hair, feeling the muscles of his chest moving under my fingertips with each stroke. Weightless and languid, water floods my limbs, caressing my bones. I’m floating through the Sky as if I’m on my way to heaven..
After several moments, John’s body shifts and his arm contracts. He’s caught the ladder to his dock, supporting our weight with one hand. He dips a shoulder and swings me in front of him. I point my toe and find a slippery rung. The ladder sinks as he steps onto the rung below mine, brushing my back with wet skin, gripping the rails and cocooning me with warmth.
Everything about this moment makes me want to stop and take it in.
I sway into him feeling his cheek brush my temple. He curves around me, dropping a hand to my stomach. I arch as it travels up and his knuckles graze my cleavage, prickling the sensitive skin. A voice inside echoes this isn’t me as his fingers continue upward, sliding to the side of my neck, but this is me with John.
“If you don’t want this, Gianna…” his voice sounds almost tortured. “Climb up.”
My toes curl, standing firm on the rung, submerged like anchors. His mouth lowers to the side of my neck, and I tilt giving him full access.
“If you don’t climb up now, I’ll keep touching you…”

Shae Ross grew up in Ferndale, Michigan. She attended Michigan State University and continued her education at Detroit College of Law. Prior to 2014, she spent the majority of her career practicing corporate law and engaged in entrepreneurial ventures.

After having too many stressful days at the office, she decided to pursue her dream of writing and published her first romance novel in January of 2015. She loves strong heroines and sexy, alpha heroes who deliver stories filled with sass, smarts and sizzle.

You can visit her online at the following places: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon

Follow the tour and #enter to #win a $25 Amazon GC and a Shae Ross digital library
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Lisa's Loves(Books of Course) - Spotlight
March 31st
The Power of Three Readers – Review
Chill and read - Spotlight

Follow the tour and #enter to #win a $25 Amazon GC and a Shae Ross digital library

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