Thursday, March 23, 2017

Release Blitz & Giveaway For CUT WIDE OPEN (A Bleeding Scar MC) by Abby McCarthy

Book Title: Cut Wide Open (A Bleeding Scars MC)
Author: Abby McCarthy
Genre: Erotic Romance/Motorcycle Club
Release Date: Mar 20, 2017
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
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One day you held my hand. One day you loved me.

Then you were gone.

At sixteen, I lost the only love I’d ever known. Thrown back into the foster system, pregnant and alone, I prayed that you’d come for me and save me from life’s cruelties. Only the next time I saw you, it was too late.

Doing what I needed to do to provide for my son, we were finally brought face to face. It should have been the best day of my life, but it was far from it. It was the worst.

That day a monster took me and held me captive.

I begged for my life. I prayed for my son. I dreamt of you, the memories keeping me alive.

You finally came for me. You were my heart. My Salvation.

But sometimes the heart is too damaged, too broken, to be saved.

And sometimes monsters have a way of coming back to haunt me.

*This is a dark story. It is intended for mature audiences. If you need a trigger warning then this book isn’t for you. I have other books of mine that I’d recommend like Current or Tainted by Crazy, but not this one.

Christ! Who was this woman in front of me? I broke from our kiss even more confused. She was so high. I wasn't even sure she knew it was me, and then as I stared at her, and asked her what the hell she was on, she called me Enrico.

Fucking Enrico.

If I was pissed before, I was even more so now. I wanted to hit something, and I wanted to kill Enrico. I needed to get away from Charlie before I did something seriously fucked up.

I started to move away from her when she slurred, “Gun, slys yours.”

What the fuck did that even mean?

My temper couldn't take it. “Jesus fucking Christ, Charlie! You’re fucking stoned,” I yelled. My blood boiled.

“‘Rico, dance,” she mumbled, not making any sense. She looked afraid, but I didn’t know what to make of any of it. All I heard was Enrico saying she was his and she kept repeating Enrico’s name. I’d loved her and held her on a pedestal for so long, and she was a fucking drug lord’s tweaked out pussy.

meet the author
Abby McCarthy is reader and a lover of words. She is a blogger turned author and released her first novel in May 2014. She is a mother of three, a wife and a dog person. She has always written, sometimes poetry, sometimes just to vent about failed relationships, however in parenthood she has found her voice to help keep her sanity. Words have flowed from her, to review and with the support of amazing friends in the Indie community she has decided to pursue her dream of writing! She loves to write and read romance, because isn't that something we all yearn for? Whether it be flowers and hand holding or just the right tug on your hair. Isn't that what life is about? The human connection?
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