Thursday, February 16, 2017

Blog Tour/Author Interview & Giveaway For WEDDINGS, CRUSHES, AND OTHER DRAMAS by Emily McKay

Weddings, Crushes, and Other Dramas
(Creative HeArts #6, Willa & Finn #2)
by Emily McKay
Publication Date: Feb 13, 2017
Publisher:  Entangled Teen Crush

Falling in love with the best man wasn’t on the program.
Willa is happy to be the maid of honor in her dad’s upcoming wedding to uber-celeb Mia McCain. Not as happy about the best man being her soon-to-be stepbrother, the infuriating—and infuriatingly gorgeous—Finn McCain. Every time their paths cross, the attraction simmering between them grows a little harder to ignore. Willa knows all about guys like Finn—they only want what they can’t have. What’s between them isn’t real.
Finn has never felt anything more real than what’s developing between him and Willa. Sure, her dad warned him to steer clear, but it’s not just about forbidden temptation. He’s determined to prove to Willa he’s not going anywhere—and that happily-ever-after will always be worth the risk.

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains a wedding so crazy it’ll make you laugh, a stepbrother so hot he’ll make you swoon, and a heroine so real she’ll make you cry.



Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains an unbelievably hot bad boy, an unbelievably famous actress, and all the drama that comes with adding both to your family. Oh, and a forbidden flirtation with a soon-to-be stepbrother. 

When Willa Schofer’s father comes home from a business trip with an über-famous new fiancée, Willa’s senior year blows up in paparazzi-fueled flames. Overnight, she has a new house, a new car, and a new soon-to-be stepbrother—the unbelievably hot, unbelievably arrogant, Finn McCain. Thank god he’s constantly pushing her buttons, or she might do something irresponsible. Like fall for the jerk.

Just when Willa’s decided to avoid him for, oh, ever, Finn lands in the center of her senior project team. Seriously—how hard is it to shake a guy? At least her work on the project snagged the attention of the (second) hottest guy in school. He might only be into her because of her famous stepmom, and he’s not quite as exciting as a certain annoying housemate, but at least she’s allowed to crush on the guy.

Because crushing on your annoying stepbrother? So not cool.

Emily McKay is a life-long fan of books, pop-culture and anything geeky. She has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and baking cookies. When she’s not kicking-ass and scooping cookie dough, she’s watching videos from Screen Junkies (her favorite Youtube channel) or Pemberly Digital or Classic Alice. Okay, she has a Youtube problem! She’s seeking help. Really. Though, she may also have a slight problem with procrastination.

When the internet is down and there are no chocolate chips in the house, she does write books – everything from Harlequin romance novels to post-apocalyptic YA. Though her interests may appear broad, the common denominators are swoony heroes and snarky humor.

Author Interview

·         Song you can’t get enough of right now?
Adele’s “Send My Love” … I love how unexpected it is. Which I can’t explain, because I’m fluent enough in the language of music to know why it’s unexpected. Just that it always surprises me and I feel like I’ve always known it.
·         Who is your ultimate Book Boyfriend?
Harry Dresden from The Dresden Files. I love him so much it’s just silly. (shhh … don’t tell my husband) He’s is, hands down, the character I am most likely to run away with

·         What are you reading right now or what’s on your TBR?
The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keating Snyder – it’s a classic middle grade book. A friend and I started a book club with the intention of reading books from Betsy Bird’s amazing Fuse#8 blog’s list of best 100 Children’s book. (link below)
I’m obsessed with this list, because I wasn’t a big reader when I was a kid and I missed so many great books!

·         2017 Movie you’re most looking forward to?
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 …. Along with everyone else on the planet, I assume. Also, the new Spiderman. I have very pedestrian taste in movies.

·         Was there anything you wanted to add or had to eliminate from the story? What was it and why?
        There are always things I want to change. With every story. And I do mean always. I can pick up a book I wrote a decade ago and think, “I wish I’d phrased that better.” Or “I rushed that moment” … with this book, I wished I’d had more time for them to live together in the house. I think that would have been fun.

·         What is the heartbeat of your new novel?

          Hmmm … not sure I understand this question. Like, what kept the story moving, the whole time I was working on it? Probably Willa’s geekiness. She is possibly more “me” than any other character I’ve ever written. She is so proud of her geekdom! (As am I!) We even have some of the same clothes. (The R2D2 dress and the Sloth T-shirts.)
·         If you found a genie, what would be your three wishes?
·         They would all be super political, and I don’t want to irritate your readers. Okay, probably one of them would be to make Chocolate Chip Cookies as healthy as kale. I mean, that would just benefit all of mankind!
·         What do you hope readers will take away from reading this book?
·         That whoever you are, there’s a great guy out there for you. You don't have to settle for someone who thought was an okay choice.
·         Tell us Seven things we may not know about your writing life...
·       1 .For the past several books, I have dictated a lot of the first draft. Which can lead to some really interesting typos.
·         2. I think I have either undiagnosed dyslexia or ADHD, because I was really late to reading (didn’t read on level until the 9th grade). There are still things that show up in my writing for that. I leave out small words all the time. There are mistakes that I literally can not see.  My poor editors have to work hard!
·         3. I love Jane Austen. I could probably just rewrite Jane Austen stories over and over again. I love her romance, her humor and her social commentary!
·         4. In addition to YA contemporary romance, I have also written adult Romance, post-apocalyptic YA and urban fantasy YA.
·         5. While I was writing the post-apocalyptic YA, I started stock-piling food for the apocalypse. That stuff really gets in your head! (Don't I know it. After binge watching THE WALKING DEAD, I found myself mentally compiling our stock of chainsaws, axes, and guns. Like you, I constantly check my pantry to make sure that there is food to last us a great good while just in case.)
·         6. Sometimes, when I’m dictating, I lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling while I write.
·         7. I watch a lot of fan videos while I write. It depends on who I’m shipping at the moment. Right now I’m watching a lot of Olicity fan videos (from Arrow … mostly the first three seasons, because I’m behind). They have the best chemistry. Ever.
·         What can we expect from Weddings, Crushes, and Other Dramas
·         Hopefully, all the things I love about Jane Austen … romance and humor!
·         Was there any particular research that you did for Weddings, Crushes, and Other Dramas?
·         In the books (both this one and the first in the series), Willa is writing a web series for her senior project. So I watched a lot of web series. I mean … a lot. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Classic Alice … those two were my favorites. But I watched hours and hours of the good, the bad, the weird.
·         When you start writing, do you already have an ending in mind, or do you just let the narrative go where it takes you?

·         I always have an ending. Some times I have a final scene or chunk of dialogue. Other times it’s more of a concept. I always know where I’m going though. It’s how I get there that’s interesting.

Giveaway Information:  

  • One (1) winner will receive a digital copy of How Willa Got Her Groove Back by Emily McKay

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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