Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Review For THE MAVERICK COWBOY by Kate Pearce-5 *

Title: The Maverick Cowboy

Series: Morgan Ranch #2

Author: Kate Pearce 
Genre: Cowboy Romance
Rating: * * * * *
Publishers: Zebra
(Jan 31, 2017)
Paperback: 352 pages
ISBN: 978-1420140026
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

The heartbreak of their childhood drove the Morgan brothers far from their family's California ranch—and one another. But as they face the wounds of the past, each feels the land calling him home . . .
Blue Morgan never thought he'd crave long days on horseback, working the cattle ranch where he grew up. But after a decade of getting shouted and shot at in the Marines, fresh air and hard work are just what he needs to settle his restless energy. Except no matter how hard he tries to focus, his mind wanders to the pretty, prickly new veterinarian instead.
There's no denying the spark between Jenna McDonald and Blue. But with her job at risk and her own family's expectations to wrangle, Jenna isn't looking for another sparring partner. Blue needs her expertise on horses. And if she can help solve his mother's disappearance, she's willing to pitch in. But she'll leave his ideas about how love should be scheduled to him. Jenna is tired of being told what she can't have—and ready to reach for what she wants . . .

“If you love cowboys—and who doesn't—you'll love the Morgans!” —Cora Seton, New York Times bestselling author on The Reluctant Cowboy

Another winning cowboy read for these cold winter nights. I love me some hot sexy cowboy reads! Toss in a bit of a mystery and you've got that perfect read for a weekend piled up next to the woodstove.  The characters in this story were right on the spot, Blue or BB (won't tell you what the second B is for) and Jenna set off sparks right from the beginning. There is a big family of Morgans (another thing I love in these stories) from Grandma Ruth to the hired help. 
Jenna's family pops in and out of the story and it's so easy to see that though they love her unconditionally, their ability to show that love in a helpful manner is so opposite from the Morgans. It's easy and sad to see what has caused her to be a bit standoffish.
I love seeing that Blue, a cowboy through and through, has lived a lot of his maturing years as a Marine. It's interesting seeing him adjust back into the mainstream of life as a cowboy and brother.  
Tickled pink to see book three "The Last Good Cowboy" is due out late April but puzzled as there is one brother unaccounted for. Hopefully, there will be at least one more book to give us closure on this series.
**Got a note from Ms Pearce who let me know she had just finished HW's book and it would be available late in 2017. Yeah! I love knowing that he's going to get his book even if I haven't met him yet.😂

Morgan Ranch
1. The Reluctant Cowboy (2016)
2. The Maverick Cowboy (2017)
3. The Last Good Cowboy (2017)

4. Untitled book for HW (end of 2017)

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kate Pearce was born in England in the middle of a large family of girls and quickly found that her imagination was far more interesting than real life. After acquiring a masters degree in history and barely escaping from the British Civil Service alive, she moved to California and then to Hawaii with her kids and her husband and set about reinventing herself as a romance writer. She writes the hot stuff for Kensington Aphrodisia, Random House UK Rouge Romance, Ellora's Cave and Cleis Press and is known for both her unconventional heroes and her joy at subverting romance cliches about exactly who gets into bed with whom. In her spare time she self publishes science fiction erotic romance, historical romance and whatever else she can imagine. She also writes for Signet Eclipse and Carina Press. You can find Kate at her website at http://www.katepearce.com, on Facebook as Kate Pearce, and on Twitter as Kate4queen 
Join her newsletter for more up to date information. The link is on the website. :)

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