Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Review For CEDAR AND CINNAMON by Jennifer Bramseth 4 1/2*

Series: Bourbon Springs: #5
Jennifer Bramseth
Genre: Romance
Rating: * * * * 1/2
Publishers: Amazon Digital Svc LLC
(Dec 8, 2015)
Ebook: 312  pages
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

Harriet Hensley usually enjoys the work that comes with being an attorney for Bourbon Springs’ most important business, Old Garnet Bourbon Distillery. But when the owners ask her to work on a crucial project, Harriet is far from excited. 
It's because of the guy with whom she’s going to have to work.
Goose Davenport, the owners' cousin and an important employee at Old Garnet, has been known for years as the local hothead. And a few years earlier, Harriet, the local Little-Miss-Perfect, had a secret taste of that wild side of the man—and found she liked it quite a bit. But despite their mutual attraction, fate denied them the chance to see what happened next, and they kept the fact of their encounter—and feelings—to themselves.
Yet working together causes long-hidden emotions to boil to the surface. He’s enchanted by the woman he never thought he’d attain, and she’s delighted to discover Goose’s softer side—as well as his deep knowledge and love of Old Garnet.
Yet within that knowledge is buried a deep vein of resentment that stretches back nearly a hundred years, far back into the history of the brand, the family, and the bourbon industry. This lingering bitterness threatens not only Harriet and Goose’s new love, but Old Garnet and Bourbon Springs itself.

Cedar and Cinnamon is the fifth book in the Bourbon Springs Series.

Secret Blend (Bourbon Springs Book 1)
Secret Sauce (Bourbon Springs Short Story #1)
Filtered Through Blue (Bourbon Springs Book 2)
Standard Equipment (Bourbon Springs Short Story #2;
available only to newsletter subscribers at this time)
Angels’ Share (Bourbon Springs Book 3)
Little Treasures (Bourbon Springs Short Story #3;
available only to newsletter subscribers at this time)
Distiller’s Choice (Bourbon Springs Book 4)
Cedar and Cinnamon (Bourbon Springs Book 5)
Distilled Heat (Bourbon Springs Book 6)
Bottled Bluegrass (Bourbon Springs Book 7)
Toast and Char (Bourbon Springs Book 8)
Water of Life (Bourbon Springs Book 9)

I love books that are second chance love stories. The characters, Harriet and Goose, were very likeable. I loved the peek at the inside workings of a distillery. Though I haven't read the other books in this series, I now have added them to my TBR pile.

Jennifer Bramseth is the author of the Bourbon Springs Series, a nine-book contemporary romance/saga series set in the Land of Bourbon and Bluegrass. She is an attorney, a Kentucky native, and lifelong resident who lives next to a horse farm and within minutes of several bourbon distilleries.
Her new series, Bourbonland, kicked off with SINGLE BARREL, a novella, released on December 13, 2016, with books to follow in 2017.

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